Chapter 8: Awkward

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Ellie's POV:

I walked through the gates of Paracallas College, I couldn't keep my mind off what happened yesterday, we despise each other and, that happened. I saw Justin and a friend walk past towards the classroom, I shouted,


He looked at me for a moment, put his head down and walked away from the scene. I shook my head and walked towards the classroom a few steps behind him. We both sat on the same seats as yesterday, he tried to avoid eye contact with me.

"Right, you'll be given an hour to carry on with your project planning, quietly." Mrs Jerome told this to everyone as she sat down facing the computer.

I looked towards Justin, I touched his hand, he flinched and tried avoiding eye contact once again.

"We have to talk about what happened, you can't just start avoiding me," I said, he then raised his head up to look at me.

"Ellie, you're a nice girl, but I can't be seen with a girl who wears jeans instead of short skirts, jumpers, and shirts instead of crop tops, it will ruin me." He said this and shook his head at me.

"Justin, first of all, you're basically saying you're into sluts, and well, that moment yesterday, was something you can't change, I hate guys like you." I replied, rolling my eyes then turning to my paper.

Justin smiled and pushed his hand next to mine, his thumb wrapped around my pinky. He began writing with his right hand and held my hand using his left.

"You say you hate me, but the truth is, you like bad boys." He whispered next to me, I pushed his hand away and moved my seat further from him.

"More like, there is no way, we will, EVER, be together, a minute ago you said you're not interested in me, make your mind up." I whispered back, huffing at him.

"Whatever, just wait, princess, you'll turn to me soon." He replied, laughing quietly.

I then took my books and walked towards the corner of the room, where Isabelle was sat, Justin's eyes followed me. After I sat down, Justin soon turned around to face his friend, Jake, who he had known for ages.

"I hate that freak," I exclaimed to Isabelle. Justin had heard this and smirked while talking to Jake.

"More like you like him, it's so obvious, you two talk all the time," Isabelle giggled after saying this,

"Shut up, more like, we argue all the time, he may be cute, but he's a total player." I sighed, while turning to Justin from across the classroom.


Justin's POV:

I sat there across Jake, I laughed looking at Ellie then I turned to Jake, speaking up,

"Fuck, it's hot in here."

"Are you sure, 'it's hot', or is, 'she hot'," He replied, punching my left arm.

"Shut up," I laughed back at him and said this.

"I have no interest in her, whatsoever," I added on a few seconds later.

"Sure, come back to me tomorrow," As soon as Jake said this the bell rang, it was time to head out, I took a grab at my bag and walked through the door.

Ellie walked up behind me,

"Today, I'm coming to yours, so, be ready." She said this, then walking in front of me, strutting through the hallway.

I shook my head and walked out the gates with Jake, I fixed my collar and pushed my hand through my hair.

I'll be ready.


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