Chapter 5: All mighty Pigeon

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*Keith's POV*

Lance was pacing around the room and mumbling under his breath, watching go from one end of the room to the other was annoying.
I walked over to him, placed my hand on his shoulder and said: "Lance you got to calm down, everything's going to be okay the princess welcomes you here no need to be nervous."

He just looked at me and blinked for a second then wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into a hug. I could feel my face heat up. I don't know what to do in situations like this so I just patted his back.

I liked the feeling of lances arms around me, It was comforting. I didn't want this to end, so I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer.

*Lances POV*

Oh man, he's hugging me back. He's so warm like a little kitten.

The door slammed open causing me to jump back.

"What the fuck Keith you couldn't even tell me that you had a mission
What the hell were you looking for anyway." A small girl with circular glasses stood in the doorway as she screamed.

"Okay, calm down I was looking for the Prince on Earth," Keith said obviously shaken by the small girls' words.

She turned towards me than Keith then me again. "Oh, am I interrupting something," she said with a devilish smile.

"Okay, now how are you again," I said pointing to the girl.

"I'm the all mighty Pidge, best hacker in all of Altea. Who are you?" She said adjusting her glasses.

Pidge had short light brown hair that complemented her golden eyes. She was wearing a plain green and white shirt, gray shorts and yellow socks no shoes, I don't think she cared about it. Personally, I wanted to run down the halls with just my socks on too.

"Well Pigeon, I'm Lance and I guess I'm supposed to be some prince, but I don't really know, " I said picking some clothes on my bed.

"Oh yeah, you have to wear those they're like the royal dress code" she laughed then added "We'll wait outside while you change" pushing Keith through the door.

*Keith's POV*

Pidge looked at me with a sly look and out of nowhere said: "You like him, don't you."

"What, me like the Prince, no never," I said turning away so she could see my face.

"Liar I've known you for too long, don't you don't you dare lie to me," she said putting a finger in my face.

"Uh, well I- " I got lucky when lance' s door opened.
When Lance stepped out of his room in the royal attire, he looked like a prince.

When Lance stepped out of his room in the royal attire, he looked like a prince

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(He's what the outfit would look like I just can't describe it )

He stopped in front of us and asked with a large grin on his face "So what now?"

"Well how about some food, I was planning on getting something to eat anyways," Pidge said because I was unable to form words.

"Sweet, we should go get Hunk while we're at it," Lance said leading us towards the dining hall.

"Who's Hunk?" Pidge said running after Lance trying not to slip.

This Pigeon's going to be the death of me.

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