Signs of Abuse

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This topic is way too important to go unnoticed. Abuse is a big problem in all communities, and I felt as though I should put it out there that not every single daddy or mommy or caregiver in general is going to be safe. (In the next chapter I will go over fake caregivers)

Abuse will continue to be a problem if signs of it go unnoticed. Here are a few warning signs I have picked up, seeing I was in an abusive relationship myself. 

1. If all they care about is sex.

2. If you say no or use your safe word and they continue

3. If they leave unwanted marks on you

4. If they threaten to hang up on you

5. If they ignore you in little space or in general

6. If they degrade you unconsentually

7. If they force themselves upon you

8. If they constantly yell at you

9. If they tell you what to do 

10. If they try to control who you talk to, where you go, etc

These are just a few of thousands of warning signs. If you see any of these, I beg of you to rub. Don't let people treat you this way.

Stay safe, babies💖

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