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song for the chapter: 

simple as this - jake bugg

(put on repeat if necessary:))


Consistent days filled up my timeline for the week. Boring, unproductive, lazy are all words to describe how my week has been. We've finished unpacking and school starts for me in a few days so my task is to play the waiting game. My mom has been at work while my grounded self was stuck at home. The activities that actually reach my expectation of entertainment require me to be outdoors and being inside for the past week isn't doing me any good. 

I don't have anyone to talk to but my mom since I haven't be able to meet anyone but she's gone for almost the whole day and when she gets home she's working on her laptop, isolated in her work space. The most we have in a conversation everyday is how was your day? good, how about yours? alright. Then we go our separate ways. Maybe it's so hard to have an actual conversation with her because she hasn't been there my whole life and never became close with each other? I'm just throwing out guesses of why it's been like this because i don't even know.

 The clock struck 3 and I still haven't gotten out of bed. I was hesitant about getting up but I didn't want to just sit and do nothing all day. I take a good look at my closet and grab a black tube top along with a pair of hem denim shorts. I threw on my clothes, slid on my sandals, grabbed my already packed beach bag, and made my way to the bus stop. My plan was to take a bus to Malibu and hopefully make it back before my mom arrives home from work. This meant I had 4 hours to kill.

The bus stopped at a different beach location than where I went before. I checked Google Maps to see where I was and it read Point Dume. I've never heard of this area but this beach was apparently the most popular in Malibu so I went along with it. 

The sunglasses that were once clipped onto my bag were sitting on the bridge of my nose. The sunlight hitting my skin for the first time in what felt like forever was the best feeling. I was more used to the heat of the sun more than anything. In Hawaii, I was a really active person outdoors. I enjoyed surfing a lot. It was something I could do every minute of every day. Unfortunately, I had to leave my surfboard behind in Hawaii because my mom thought I needed to do something other than surf and stay out all the time. 

Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of people at Point Dume. I was glad that my surroundings only included the beach and myself, I've always found more beauty in that. Finding a very open spot, I lay myself down on a blanket I had previously set up. I closed my eyes and let the heat sink in. 

A few hours pass and my whole body is on fire. My eyes had to adjust to the lighting to  see clear again, everything was just a blur. I was woken up by an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey um sorry for waking you but can you move to another spot? I have to shoot some pictures for a photoshoot."

I nodded my head and got up without looking at nor acknowledging the person at all. My vision was still blurred when I went to grab my stuff and I felt myself tip over. A hand grabbed my wrist before I hit the sand, "Hey are you okay?" 

This voice was different. Probably one of the deepest voices I've ever heard. 

"Uh yeah." I say with my free hand trying to find something other than the boy to balance myself. My hand grabbed onto a thick object and I hoisted myself up. My first sight was a surfboard and my fangirl instincts kicked in. I let go and gasped at how beautiful it was, "Oh my god, you have a Channel Islands board? I haven't seen one of these in so long!"

I haven't touched a surfboard ever since we had to pack for our move.

"Damn, a cutie and a surfer?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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