Chapter Sixteen

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"Firen! You're alive!" I barreled into the strong ice dragon, ignoring the fact that he was injured.

"Violetsight!" He said, looking happier than I'd ever seen him. 

"You came back though all of that. How?" I asked him.

"I remember feeling awful. Then I felt you, but it was so weak, I couldn't bring myself back. Then I felt you again, but so strong I couldn't ignore it. It felt sad, happy, and everything at the same time. Thank you."

Darkseeker nudged my shoulder. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!"

"Shut up!" Firen and I both yelled at the same time, both of us red faced.

Darkseeker started laughing, and tripped over her claws to land on Firesky. She turned a violent shade of red, Firesky matching the color.


"SHUT UP!" Darkseeker yelled.

"Ah- hah. Sure." I said smugly.

"Be quiet."

"Firen?" A quiet, happy voice said from the door. "I didn't know you'd recovered! I'm so glad," Sunny said, coming to stand with us.

"I also have a request." She hesitated, "Queen Glacier would like to see you."

Firen glances at me. "As long as Violetsight comes, tell her I agree." He said quietly.

"I'll tell her." Sunny said, hurrying from the cave.

"Come on." Firen said, trying to stand. I slid my wing around him as he began to fall. "Thanks." I smiled, and helped him to the entrance cave, where I saw the imposing figure of Queen Glacier waiting.

"Firen." Was all she said, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

"Queen Glacier." He said, dipping his head at her.

"I believe that we have matters to discuss." Queen Glacier wrapped her tail around her front claws.

"So I can tell."

"We have discovered the truth of the, the issue, and that is being taken care of. I have come to offer amnesty, and a request for you to return to the Ice Kingdom as my general, " Queen Glacier said.

Firen looked shocked for a heartbeat, then his face took on a small smile. Suddenly, I felt a wave of terror. If Firen chose to go back to the Ice Kingdom, then we would have to be separated. Even after such a short time, I couldn't imagine my life without him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Firen started, and my panic grew. "And I will accept your amnesty. But I must reject your offer as to come back. My life is now here, with Violetsight."

Queen Glacier looked slightly taken aback, but nodded. "If that is what you want."

"It is," Firen replied fervently.

I felt my face start to smile, and I threw my wings around Firen, almost knocking him over.

"Thank you!" I cried, finally letting him stand up.
Queen Glacier had a small smile on her face as she turned towards the entrance of Jade Mountain.

"Thank you for helping our school Queen Glacier," Sunny said, before Glacier nodded and flew out with her tribe.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Firen asked, pulling me to the side.

"Yes, of course." I said, and we went to a secluded corner of the school.

"I- I don't really feel comfortable living at the school. I'd never feel comfortable to stay with other dragons in these caves every night. I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, but not here."

"We can live at the Ivy Cliff. Come here during the day for lessons and sleep there."

"You don't have to sleep there with me. You have a place here with the others. Your clawmates really care for you. I can see that. I don't want to take that away from you." He looked down.

"You wouldn't. I'd go where you were. Always. I'll stay by your side. It really seems like the best plan."

"If you're alright with it, then I'll be happy to." He said, starting to look happier. I threw my wings around him again, and he hugged me back. "Thank you. I'll go where you are as well. I really love you Violetsight." he whispered in my ear.

"I do too." I said, hugging him with all my might.

"So it's settled. We'll live at the Ivy Cliff and come here during the days. It sounds like the best life I could ask for." He said, pulling away.

"Yes. It does. I said, smiling back at him. "I love you Firen."

Should I go and tell Sunny and the rest?" He asked. "I'm assuming you want to tell your sister yourself.

"Yes, but I want you to be there. I'll go tell my winglet."

"Sounds good. I'll meet you in your cave?"

"Yes." I said, turning to go.

A few minutes later, I had told my winglet.

"That's awesome!" Aquastar said, throwing her wing around me.

"I'm glad you're staying." Said Smokestar, looking happy.

"It'll be nice to see Firen more." Firestone said.

"I'm happy for you." Ripplescale said quietly.

"Yeah yeah. Nice job blah blah." Sandstorm said, but later, she leaned in close and whispered. "I'm glad for you. But not THAT glad." I smiled at her.

"Thanks Sandstorm. It's nice to know you care." I said, and laughed as she blew smoke and stomped out of the cave.

"Violetsight?" Firen asked from the doorway.

"I'm ready." I told him, leaning into his wing. Let's go."

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