My enemy is not my friend

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Slisa- I've always wanted to add this OC of mine into this story. For no confusion we have time skipped to a few weeks after the first day.

also i messed up the chapters. sorry. p,z read the previous chapter. plz


Ever since that unfortunate meeting I the bathroom, Sam and Dom have been trying to avoid each other. When they were paired up in classes, they did the work but never talked. But one day, something moved Dom's rank as enemy a little higher in Sam's book.

Sam, Taurtis and Grian were running. Not to their home, but to where they had seen smoke. It seems that there was a building on fire somehow. When they got to their destination, there was, indeed, an apartment on fire. It seems as if everyone was out. Sam heard crying and turned to where it was coming from, only to find out that it was the owner of the building, crying his eyes out about his money. Sam scowled. How could that man be so self-centered?

"Guys. Maybe we should leave," Taurtis said. Sam and Grian nodded, but before they could leave Sam stopped.

"Sam? Are you ok?" Grian asked

"Someone's still in there," Sam replied closing his eyes and straightening his ears," they're saying 'Help us. Please. Someone help us. My son is...." Sam never continued. He quickly opened his eyes and gasped.

"Sam. What's wrong?" Taurtis asked.

"Sam! Speak to us!" Grian said to his frozen friend.

"Her s-son is........knocked out," he completed before running towards the burning building.

"SAM! WAIT!" Grian yelled but as he was about to run after him, a hand stopped him.

"You can't go," Taurtis told him. If you do, it might make the situation worse."

Dom, who was next to the crying man, was pushed aside as Sam ran past him and into the building. He knew there must be something wrong. No one is stupid enough to run into a burning building. He looked at the man who was still crying. Then, with determination in his eyes, he ran after Sam. The man saw him.

"Yes son. Go gather my riches. I knew I could count on you," he said. Dom stopped to look at him.

"Your riches mean nothing to me. Not anymore," He said before running into the building.

"DOM RAO DORITO!" the men yelled.

Sam had his school shirt over his nose as he looked for the source of the voice.

"HELLO!" he yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU!" He looked around him

'This place is huge,' he thought,' How am I supposed to find them.' Then he felt something hold his hand. He turned around hoping to see the person he was looking for, only to see Dom instead

Slisa- PFFT. Bummer.

"What are you doing here?!" Sam demanded.

"Helping," Dom replied," Since this is my stupid old man's place, I know everyone here."

"Get to the point. If you haven't noticed, were in a burning house," Sam said

"Mrs. Dovin and her 2 year old son, Shem, are missing. They live on the top floor. Follow me. I know a way we can get there," he said and he took off.

"Where?" Sam asked following him.

"In here," Dom said opening a hatch on a nearby wall which had a rope in it leading up," Can you climb?"

The duo made it to the top floor. They climbed out of the hatch and the first thing they saw was a middle aged woman under a fallen door with a child who looked about 2 unconscious. What that surprised Sam the most was that both of them, like him, were hybrids. Though, they were wolf hybrids.

"Mrs. Dovin! Dom said running to her. She looked at them. Her black ashed face turning from one of fear to a bit of relief.

"Dom! Thank God! Hurry. Forget me. Get Shem out. Please," she pleaded as Dom lifted the door off of her.

"Now way," Dom said as he picked her up," There are two of us and two of you. You're both getting out."

"Two?" she said looking to where Shem was only to see a rabbit hybrid around Dom's age with him.

"Yup. So don't worry," Dom said as she fell unconscious.

"Where to now?" Sam said between coughs knowing that they couldn't go back through the hatch again.

"The only other way is through that window," Dom said. Then they heard a loud booming voice from outside.


"Well. It's not covered in fire yet," Sam said running towards it, his school blazer was used to bundle Shem. Dom followed him and they found themselves on the apartment's window ledge. Thankfully, it was right next to a balcony. The firemen had seen them and were bringing an inflated airbed for them to jump on. Dom crossed to it first, careful not to drop the woman he was holding. Sam was about to cross with Shem, but the inhaled smoke and fumes from the fire were starting to make him dizzy and he nearly lost his balance.

"Sam. Are you ok?" Dom asked when he saw this. Sam nodded slowly.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine," Sam said. He jumped, but as soon as he did, his foot slipped of the window ledge. He found himself falling. Everything seemed to go in slow-motion for him. He clutched the precious bundle he had close to his chest with his back facing the ground and closed his eyes tight, bracing himself for the impact. When he landed, though, he felt something completely different. He opened his eyes and saw that he had landed on the inflatable bed. Sighs of relief and more cries coming from mr Dorito were heard. Sam got off the bed just in time for Dom to jump down. Seconds later, a part of the apartment blew up.

"EVERYONE AWAY FROM HERE NOW!" a fireman yelled. People wasted no time fleeing from the scene. Mr. Doritos guards had to carry him away seeing as he had passed out.

When everyone was safe, the paramedics took care of anyone who was mildly or badly hurt. Mrs Dovin and Shem were being tended to. Shem had woken up but his mother did not. They would both have to be sent to the hospital for further treatment. Sam was with Grian and Taurtis who were, at the moment, showering poor Sam with questions like," Are you ok?!" or," You're not hurt are you?!" in the end, they hugged their 'brother' who returned the hug. Dom walked up to them. He was a bit nervous to talk to Sam, but he had to thank him for helping him save Mrs. Dovin and Shem. Sam saw him and turned to him. He rubbed his neck as he started.

"Listen. Sam. I just wanna say thanks for that. If it weren't for you, both Shem and Mrs. Dovin would be dead," he said, he was about to leave when Sam spoke.

"If it weren't for you, I would be dead," he Sam," Thanks for coming when you did. You moved up a level. Who knows? Maybe you will again," Sam said. Then he, Taurtis and Grian left the scene. Dom stood there surprised.

"He's using my labeling system from all those years ago. How did it go again? Best friend, friend, classmate, enemy?" Then a smile spread across hos face

"I'm his classmate! YES!" he cheered

Somewhere near the area, a girl with a hood stood watching everything go on. She smiled and silently left.


Slisa- whelp. That's the end of that.

dont worry peeps. yall almost there.

One thing about me is that i hate to sit and type. so once u get on the same line as the Quotevians, expect very very late updates. Once moreI NEED QUESTIONS!

thanks for reading. vote and comment and chapter 12, Secerts, is next!

//pic by me. i didnt have any other one

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