Mouse after Cat

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Shuichi Saihara was writing a report about the latest case his uncle had solved, or to be true, HE had solved, but since it was his uncle who was owning the agency where he was working as an 'assistant' was it him who got the bigger amount of fame. It wasn't that he hated the fact that it was his uncle who got all the fame. It made his job to hide that he was an ultimate easier since everyone who came to the agency thought it was the older man who was solving the cases and not the high schooler.

"Geez, you really didn't want me to investigate this case did you cousin? Typical her to only leave me as little clues as possible..." He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the evidence he had gathered for the case he had personally taken on since knew that his uncle never would solve it.

"If I found that bear and his insane game then I'm sure I would find those missing high schoolers before more disappears..." He made a sigh before looking at the clock and made a small gasp, "Shoot! I'm late for school!"

He looked outside and saw the sun rising as he made a yawn. "I must have been too caught up in the case that I forgot to sleep..." The evidence was placed in a bag as he walked to the door. "Guess I just have to lock the door myself since uncle probably hasn't arrived yet..."

He was still thinking of one of the evidence which was in his bag. It might have the look of a regular flashlight, but with the help of some... 'offered help' from some people he had caught trying to rob him on the way to the academy if he had been too distracted by his own thoughts. (he shivered from the memories of that one or two of them had been close to violating him if he hadn't 'tested' the flashlight on them) He made a sigh as he slowly got lost in his thoughts. "I should probably try to ask someone from class 75th... They should be able to help since there's a lot of inventors in that class..."

He was checking the time when he suddenly stopped up, looking around as he felt a shiver down his spine. "Weird... it feels like someone is watching me..." He made a frown and walked quicker since the feeling of being watched wasn't leaving.

It was only when he reached the gates that he felt the chill disappear and made a relieved sigh. "First no sleep, and now I have a feeling of having a stalker? Geez, the next thing is probably that our class have to work with class 69 or class 85?"

He frowned as he spoke since he was worried that he was jinxing himself. Class 85 was famous for being the class with assassins, and everyone was making a joke about class 69 like, 'if they're not full of perverted quotes then they're not from class 69'.

While most of the classes laughed at the jokes about class 69, was it like everyone knew not to mess with the assassins from the other class since they didn't get their title as ultimates for nothing, even the bravest of his classmates made asking class 85, the last choice if they could. But Shuichi had another opinion about it. He had become friends with one of them, the female assassin Harukawa Maki, but had been told to call her Maki.

He would usually talk with her before the other students came and ruined the peaceful quietness that the two had enjoyed. But that was one of the reasons he had taken the case personally. The brown-haired assassin had suddenly disappeared, and while others were thinking that it was probably a typical assassin thing, was Shuichi not quite as sure, no, he was almost positive that something had happened to her and he didn't like that one bit.

He was halfway through the courtyard when he saw someone run towards him, "Saihara-san!" He stopped up and raised a curious eyebrow as the person run towards him, "Um... can I help you?" The girl tried to catch her breath before looking up at him. "Yes! A girl from class 85 asked me to make something flash resistant, and this is what I came up with!" She opened a small box she had in her hand who was containing contact lenses which looked like normal linses, but something told him otherwise.

Shuichi looked curious from the lenses to the girl. "When you say, 'girl from class 85'... Are you referring to Ma- I mean Harukawa?" This earned him a confirming nod. "Yes! Harukawa-san told me to give you them as soon as I saw you Saihara-san." Hearing this made Shuichi confused. How would Maki know that he was going to ask someone to create what he had just been given?


Shuichi was standing in front of the sink and mirror in the boy's restroom, as he looked at the little box that was containing the contact lenses. He frowned a bit since he had never tried to use lenses before but made a deep sigh before starting to put them in his eyes. The urge to claw the lenses out came immideally after he got them on and couldn't help but blink while his eyes watered from not being used to them. "Urgh... should have seen this coming..."

He stood there until his eyes were more accustomed to having the lenses on them and made a sigh as he placed the now empty box in his pocket, "Probably should have asked how long I could have them on at a time..." He walked out of the bathroom just as the bells sounded for the next class which made him make a little smile. He was always excited for the lessons that he had together with Kyoko Kirigiri, and what's more, was he feeling proud of the fact that she had been the one who suggested that he should call her his cousin.

He walked in through the doors as he raised an eyebrow. Instead of just a small class did it look like two classes had been mixed. From what he could see was it Maki's class since the others he recognized from his class was looking at them with scared eyes, but it was like the moment Shuichi had stepped inside was all from class 85 looking at him in a friendlier way, than they had before he and Maki became friends.

It was in the middle of the class when the teacher announced that while the two classes were mixed were the class going to have different uniforms on, which would probably look like those for the ones outside of Saishuu, but it would only be for a couple of days.

Hearing this made Shuichi suspicious. He didn't know why but it was way too sudden for his liking, and it seemed that he was not alone since he heard his ''cousin's'' whisper, "You think that it's suspicious too, don't you?" This made Shuichi narrow his eyes just a bit as he made a nod as he was whispering back. "Yeah, uniforms that aren't for Saishuu students? Something doesn't add up..."

( time skip )

The school was over for the day, and Shuichi was on his way to his uncle's agency. He had been told to get there right after school was over, so he hadn't been able to change from the uniform, which he still was confused over why they had to wear them. He was walking peacefully when he heard a car which sounded like it was driving way too fast to be inside the limits and was about to turn around to see the number of the vehicle so that he could tell the police.

He almost saw it, but never got to see all of it since someone had sneaked up behind him and covered his eyes, completely blinding him, making Shuichi try to escape while screaming for help. He tried to scream but it was muffled into a cloth that smelled like what he instantly recognized was chloroform. He tried not to inhale it, but the panic got the best of him making unaware of how much he inhaled through his struggle.

His struggle to get away slowly stopped as the chloroform kicked in and he last thing he heard as his eyes closed was something about being the last one but was too sleepy to think about what it meant and fell asleep by the feeling of being shoved into a car.

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