Part 1: The Scary Story

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Eddie Gallagher had to work late that night. It was his first night shift since he'd started working. He tried and tried to get out of it, but his boss had no one else.

So, naturally, of course Eddie got stuck with it. And boy, was he terrified. His jerk of an older brother, Jason, had the bright idea to tell Ed a scary story when he called to tell him that he'd be working the night shift that night.

"So, just, don't worry about me, alright?" Eddie demanded, trying to sound tough. It didn't work so well.

"Oh, there's something to worry about, all right," Jason said, thinking up a story he could tell his wimpy little brother. Eddie was just too easy to frighten!

"R-really?" Ed stuttered, already getting scared.

"Oh yeah. Big time."

"Like w-what?"

"Well, they say-"

"Wait, who's 'they'?" Ed asked, suddenly curious instead of scared.

"Just, shut up and listen, alright?" Jason snapped. He was suddenly wondering if it was even worth it to try and scare Eddie with his story.

Oh, it so is, Jason thought to himself, smirking. "So, which neighborhood are you delivering in tonight? 'Cause I know you guys deliver to a couple different ones."

"Yeah, it's a pretty large area. I'm going to Honeydale tonight."

Jason thought for a moment. "'Kay, so I'm sure you know of the Honeydale Mansion, right?"

"Oh yeah, for sure! That's the first house I'm delivering to. It's weird, the guy ordering almost sounded like one of your friends. But not exactly like him. It was weird."

"Yeah, that is weird," Jason said, holding back fits of laughter. This was almost too easy! "Anyway, then I'm sure you know of the story about that mansion? The scary story?"

Eddie gulped. "No, I don't think I do."

"Well," Jason began, lowering his voice to a haunting whisper. "There's this legend that there are these vengeful ghosts that dwell there, and they only come out at night. They take the life energy of all those who are unlucky enough to cross paths with them. Of course, this only turns those people into ghosts and doesn't help the other ghosts out much either." He paused for dramatic effect. "But those spirits continue to seek out life energy, one day hoping it'll bring them back."

Jason waited and waited for his brother's reaction, but the line was silent.

"That's it! I'm done! I can't go there now!" Ed suddenly shouted into the phone, causing Jason to have to hold it away from his ear.

"No, Ed! You got this! Just deliver the pizzas and you'll be fine," Jason assured him.

Eddie took deep breaths. He hoped his brother was right. "Okay, thanks bro."

"Hey, anytime, Ed," Jason responded, but Eddie had already hung up.

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