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 Welcome to "The Four Keys," an individual roleplay by yours truly. This is going to be a different setup than what I am used to, so please forgive me if this is a little all over the place at times. This was more of a sudden idea that came to my mind no very long ago that I figured would make for a very interesting roleplay-book of its own.

 As shown from the title, this is an individual roleplay, meaning there will not be any chains with multiple people involved (besides the person and myself of course), and I will not tolerate anybody barging into a chain with out specific permission from both myself and the other person involved. If you do, you will be banned from the roleplay book for three weeks. Do it again, and there is a possibility I will ban you completely. This should be self-explanatory from the title itself.

 Also, this will be a detailed roleplay, meaning there will not be any one-liners, three-word replies, or anything similar. Replies like this are very lazy and does not keep the roleplay itself very interesting in the slightest. I will be more strict on this roleplay book than my others because this story-line has a chance to turn into something amazing. So, the bar will be set at six sentences, counting sentences in dialogue as well. I would encourage you to go over six sentences most of the time, but I understand that sometimes that is not possible. If you do not know what to write for your reply, talk to me about it! We can work something out together, or I might give you a free pass for only that specific reply.

 This roleplay book will have four chapters (not counting rules, form, or backstory), each one being dedicated to a specific character, which will be explained in the chapter following this one. I will try to have two scenarios for each character for you to choose from, but if neither work for your character, talk to me about it so we can figure it out. As of now, you may only begin a roleplay with one character (Don't worry, all of them will be in each roleplay eventually), so I would suggest picking the character that "fits" with your character. Each roleplay will have the same storyline, so the beginning is simply which character you encounter first.

 Though I would suggest trying to find different words to use, you may use swear words, but you must censor it in someway (f***, sh***, etc.), as I have heard of stories being taken down for too much foul language. I understand that some character have a foul mouth, but do not be excessive with the swear words.

 As for tagging me, you may only tag me after two days. I am not constantly on Wattpad, and it does take a while to write out each reply with the amount of effort I want to put into it, so please forgive me for not being as quick as you may want. If I still do not respond, tag me every day until I respond or give you a reason for why I am absent and when I will respond. If you continuously tag me every hour, I will make sure not to respond to your roleplay for at least five days.

 This roleplay will be set in medieval esc times, though the genre itself will be fantasy. There will be no modern roleplays in this book, regardless of what you may prefer or want. And, while this is a fantasy roleplay, I would prefer your character to be human. If you have a character that is not human but would like to roleplay with them, talk to me to see if it will be allowed.

 And, the most important rule of all, have fun! This is a roleplay book, a place that is supposed to be enjoyable for both of us. If you are no longer enjoying the roleplay, please let me know so we can fix the issue together. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask so nobody is confused. If anything changes for the rules, I will let everybody know and will be posting the changes below. I believe that is all for now, so let's move on to the backstory, my favorite part to write!

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