took me by surprise

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Tonight was a big night.  Arthur and his boyfriend, francis, were going on a date.  They were going out to eat at a nice restaurant and maybe afterwards francis would take arthur for a nice walk around the park.  Arthur was currently in his room, getting ready.  He put on a nice shirt with nice jeans, he combs his blonde hair.  Arthur looked into the mirror to check that everything looked perfect, he thought something was missing so he put on his grandfather's ring.  Perfect, and that's how he felt the night would be, perfect.

Arthur grabbed his wallet, phone and finally his car keys, before leaving his house.  Arthur opened the car door and got into the driver's seat. He closed the door and started the car.  Arthur backed out of his driveway and drove to the restaurant where he would meet francis.  Arthur was so excited he couldn't stop smiling, his vibrant green eyes glowing with happiness. After almost 15 minutes, Arthur pulled into the restaurant parking lot, he quickly found a spot to park and jumped out of his car.

Arthur locked his car and walked to the entrance.  He opened the door and walked inside, he walked up to the person waiting at the entrance, "good evening, sir.  How many will be dining this evening?"  Arthur smiled politely to the waiter, "two.  My date will be here soon."  The waiter nods and leads arthur to a table for two, he sits down, " would you like to look at a menu while you wait, sir? "  arthur shakes his head, "no thank you, I'll wait for my date."  The waiter nods and walks off.  Arthur waits at the table, almost constantly checking his phone for anything, but nothing.

After waiting for a good 10 minutes a waitress walks up to him, "would you like a menu, sir? Maybe anything to drink?"  Arthur smiles up at the waitress, "no thank you.  But i will take a water."  The waitress smiles and walks off to get arthur his water.  Arthur checks his phone again, still nothing.  He sighs and sets his phone on the table and looks around for any sign of francis. The waitress walks over again and sets the water down in front of arthur, he smiles politely at her, "thank you so much."  She nods and walks away again.  Arthur picks up the glass and takes a sip of his water.

Another 10 to 15 minutes have passed and still no sign of francis.   Arthur begins to worry, he picks up his phone and texts francis.

Arthur: where are you?

No response.

Arthur: did your car break down or something?  Is traffic bad?

Arthur: just text me ok?

Still no response.  Arthur sighs and sets his phone back down on the table.  After a while people start to give Arthur sympathetic looks, he tries to ignore the looks, knowing they're telling him that Francis won't show up.  Arthur continues to wait, he waits and waits but Francis never shows, he never returns any of Arthur's texts.  Arthur sighs, tears ready to spill out of his beautiful green orbs.  He stands up and sets down money for the waitress even though he didn't eat anything, he collects his things and starts to walk out.

However a tall man with dirty blonde hair, glasses and eyes as blue as the ocean runs over, "I'm so sorry I'm late, babe.  I had car problems."  Arthur looks up at him with a mixture of shock and confusion, he's about to ask this man who he is but he gets interrupted, "just go with it, ok?" Arthur is about to protest but he nods and agrees to just go with it, " it's alright, dear. "  Arthur and this stranger sit down at the table, "I'm alfred by the way.  I'm sorry about this.  I just didn't want to see you wait for so long and then leave alone."  Arthur smiles a little and nods, "thank you, alfred.  I appreciate this."

The waitress comes around with two menus and places them in front of the two men, she looks at arthur and smiles, "I'm glad your date finally arrived."  Arthur smiles back, "I am too."  The waitress nods and leaves the two strangers alone.  Arthur picks up a menu and looks over it, "so, tell me about yourself, alfred."  Alfred glances at arthur and smiles a little, "there's not much to tell.  I served in the military, I'm a funny guy though my friends say I'm obnoxious.  And... Hmm I have a little brother named Matthew.  I would love to hear about you though."  Arthur glances at alfred from behind his menu, "alright, well my name is arthur, I'm British if you couldn't already tell by the accent, I have many brothers that annoy me but I love them dearly, and I just finished college last year."

Alfred nods a little, "interesting.  Now tell me, who was the person you were suppose to meet up with?"  Arthur frowns and lowers his menu, " uh it was my boyfriend, francis.  I don't know why he didn't show up, he didn't even tell me he wasn't coming. "  Alfred frowns too, "wow, he sounds terrible.  Why are you with him?"  Arthur looks at his hands, "he was a nice guy when we first started dating, he was funny, sweet, an all around nice guy you know?"  Alfred sighs and nods, "yeah, I get it.  I've been in those situations too."  Arthur nods a little, " I'm sure everyone has. "  The waitress comes around again, "are you ready to order?"  The two nod, the waitress takes out a notepad and writes down their orders, then she leaves once again.

Arthur and Alfred talk about themselves and things they enjoy, slowly getting to know each other more and more.  They get through the "date", arthur tries to pay for the food but Alfred insists on paying.  After a few minutes of arguing about who should pay arthur just gives up and lets alfred pay.  Once everything was payed for they stood and walked back to the entrance.  They stepped outside and looked at each other, alfred scratches the back of his head nervously, "umm, this was really fun.  I would like to go on a date with you again, for real though."  Arthur feels his face getting warm, "I would like that."

Arthur holds his hand out for something, "give me your phone for a second."  Alfred fumbles for his phone and unlocks it for Arthur then he hands it over to him.  Arthur puts his phone number into Alfred's phone, "text me sometime."  He smiles at alfred, giving him his phone back.  Alfred takes his phone and smiles back, "alright."  Arthur says goodbye to alfred and walks away to his car.  Alfred watches Arthur go before heading to his own car and going home.  Arthur sits in his car starting at Francis's contact.  He clicks it and texts francis.

Arthur: I'm breaking up with you. francis.

Arthur sets his phone aside and drives back home.  The moment he steps inside his house his phone buzzes, he looks at his phone and sees that Francis texted him back, finally.

Francis: why?

Arthur: you didnt show up to dinner.

Francis: I was busy.

Arthur: no you forgot didn't you?

Francis: yeah... I forgot.  But that can't be the only reason right?

Arthur: I met someone amazing.  He makes me happy, francis. 

Francis doesn't respond again, arthur turns off his phone and changes into his comfortable PJ's. Arthur can't help but smile at the thought of seeing alfred again.  He really likes alfred.

And on the other side of town alfred lays on the couch, thinking about the next time he'll see Arthur.

They both think of each others captivating eyes.  stunning forest green and gorgeous ocean blue.

They both thought the same thing before falling asleep

A perfect surprise date.

Word count: 1348

Hey.  So this is my first time writing a one shot, I hope it's good.  Anyway thanks for reading!

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