And I Fell In Love Instantly

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The 'On Air' sign flickers off at the touch of a switch. A lab coat is thrown on with shouted goodbyes from colleagues. Satisfied smiles of the two workers make the night brighter, the Secret Police lightening the town with helicopter lights because of the radiating happiness.

A drive home takes only five minutes, a walk takes ten. Time doesn't work in the small town very well, and Carlos wouldn't like to study it right now. Not tonight.

An intern shrieks as the voice of Night Vale leaves the station, his voice raw from work and his shoulders hunched from looming over a microphone. Cecil hums a lighter version of today's weather while looking at the mostly void, partially stars above him. The door of his house is on his right, a car already in the driveway with lights on in the house. He walks in to the smell of cooking food.

Carlos was wearing a white apron to not ruin his dress shirt and slacks, not bothering to change out of the nice outfit. Arms circle around his waist, a few soft touches from his boyfriend-- fiancé--husband making him smile. He turns around from making dinner and kisses Cecil's slightly chapped lips. His arms circle around his neck and Cecil places his gangly arms around his waist and back. 

"Welcome home," Carlos says in his soft, tiredly adorable voice. Cecil respods with a hum from the back of his throat and rubs a small circle in Carlos's back.

"What are you making here?" He says in his low, sleek voice. "I do hope there's no wheat or wheat by-product in it like last time." Carlos laughs richly, making the radio host fall even deeper in love.

"Nothing with that. Although, in the lab we are testing various different products to see if we can use wheat once more. It's quite interesting, since no one really knows how the snakes get there, but maybe with a certain edible repellent, we can make the wheat turn back to wheat." 

Carlos rambles about his projects, his eyes practically glowing with joy. Cecil looks at him with tired eyes, not quite understanding his words, but loves his scientist's enthusiasm. 

"Tonight, your favorite dish," Carlos says, his hands slipping from Cecil's neck and taking hold of his hands. Callused, a few scars from burns and cuts that Cecil traces with his thumb. Cecil kisses Carlos's head appreciatively.

"I'll be setting the table, then." Carlos nods and Cecil grabs plates, utensils, the nice napkins with no blood splatters, candles that don't go to any rituals, and glasses of red wine.

The food was done and the wine was drunk, the couple with full stomachs cuddling on the couch. The days had been longer with work and business to be taken care of, and the tiredness was evident in the eyes and body language of both males.

Carlos relaxed against Cecil's chest. Cecil was weaving his hands through Carlos's perfect hair, marveling over how much there was, and the tentacles popped out from being tattoos. They began massaging the tired scientist and making him more tired. He got up, stretching and yawning, to head to the bed. Cecil follow, tucking the tentacle under his shirt.

Once they were under the light blankets and Cecil's arms and tentacles were around Carlos, they began talking. Their voices were slow and deep, the comfort of the bed and of each other making relaxation too easy. 


"Yes, my dear Carlos?"

"I love you."

Cecil's breath hitched. He knew that Carlos loved him, Cecil loved him with all of his being, but every time the words were said, he felt like even the City Council and dark hooded figures couldn't take him down. He felt fireworks' sparks spreading through his body, starting from his toes and up, the three words making him feel giddy and content with everything around him. He kissed the back of Carlos's neck and slid his slightly cold hands along the sides of the scientist. 

"I love you too, my beautiful, intelligent Carlos."

When he spoke of him on the radio, he truly meant every word he said of the man curled up with him. He meant every praise and every kind word, every mantra he sang of his beauty. He knew when Carlos came to Night Vale, he was the perfect person to fall for.

"He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly."
--Cecil Palmer, said on the radio, in his vows, and always to his husband, Carlos Palmer.

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