Harry Imagine for Marian (@1DCaliEditionFanFics)

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It's 9:32 am when you wake up. You sigh, because you know you won't be able to fall back asleep and you might as well get up now. Plus, you have a tournament today and you should get up early anyway. You put on your volleyball uniform, pulling your hair into a ponytail and applying light make-up. After this, you trudge downstairs to your kitchen and decide to wait for everyone else to wake up before eating breakfast, sitting yourself down on the couch across the kitchen. The boys all slept over at your house because you're Zayn's sister and they were all hanging out together last night. You don't know them well because you never get a chance to talk to them much, but you always had your eye on the curly-haired boy.

As if on cue, in walked Harry. Your head pops up when you notice someone has entered the room, and when you see it's him, you smile.

"Hello Marian," Harry says.

"Hey Styles," you reply. Yes, Harry Styles is standing in front of you, and you should be nervous, but your brother is Zayn Malik, so you don't really get starstruck.

"You and Zayn usually sleep late. What are you doing up this early?"

You wonder how he knows about your sleeping habits, but you just shrug it off. "I could ask you the same question."

"I heard you get up and figured you might be lonely. Plus, I don't think I would've been able to fall back asleep," he admits while standing at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Well come and sit down," you pat the spot on the couch next to you.

"Nah," he responds. "I'll make some breakfast for the two of us." He walks over to the main part of the kitchen and you watch curiously as he takes out random ingredients. After he has the flour and sugar out, he searches around your kitchen for a minute, looking slightly disoriented.

You giggle. "Need help finding something?"

"Yes. Erm..." his cheeks turn pink. "Where do you keep your baking powder?"

You laugh and stand up. "I'll show you." You open a cabinet beside your fridge and point to the second shelf up. "Right here."

"Thanks," he grins.

"Do you want me to help you with whatever you're making?" you offer.

"Sure!" Harry says excitedly. "I'm making waffles...or at least, trying to."

"Well then you're in luck! I'm an excellent waffle maker," you tell him.

"Great! Now where is that waffle maker..."

A messy kitchen, two full stomachs and an hour later, the two of you are laughing and having fun, getting to know each other more. It's almost 11:00 am now but you know the rest of the boys are still not willing to get up. So you and Harry are sitting on the couch, making conversation while you watch the television. At one point, Harry says something so funny that you throw your head back in laughter, but then wince at the pain in your neck.

He notices your expression. "What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing," you assure him, rubbing your hand on the back of your neck. "I must have slept on my neck oddly, because it's really sore."

His face shows sympathy. "I'll give you a massage."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," you chuckle. "This happens every now and again. It'll go away soon."

"No, it's okay. I want to."

You blush and sit forward as he instructs you to. His massive hands dig into your shoulders and you melt at his touch. "You're good," you tell him.

"Thanks," he replies and you smile.

Your body slumps over as you become weak at his massage. All you can think about is how huge and powerful his hands are. You groan in pleasure. "God, Harry, how did you get to be such an amazing masseuse?"

He laughs. "I dunno. Practice, maybe. My mum always makes me rub her back."

"I don't blame her."

Out of nowhere, a bug flies into your eye. Your hand reaches up in instinct to clutch your eye.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks you.

"Something's in my eye," you answer. Of course, something embarrassing happens.

He pulls you to the side, sets one of his hands on your cheek and stares into your eye closely, making butterflies flutter around in your stomach.

"I see a small bug. I think I can get it," he says. He very slowly and gently tugs on the corner of your eye, and in a matter of five seconds, the pain goes away.

"Did you get it out?" you ask him.

"I think," he inspects his finger, then flicks a gnat off of it. "Yep. It's gone." But his gaze remains on your eyes.

"What?" you inquire after a long silence of staring at each other.

"Oh, sorry," he looks away, embarrassed. "I just noticed you have the exact same eyes as Zayn. Big and brown."

"Oh," you chuckle. "Yeah, people tell us that a lot."

His eyes meet yours again and you feel his breath puff softly onto your face as he speaks. "They're beautiful."

You feel another blush coming on. "Oh, they're nothing special. Just boring brown. Sometimes I wish I had blue or green eyes."

"No, I like how they are now," Harry disagrees. "They're so bright, and shiny...and hypnotizing..."

You freeze in shock at the sight of him leaning closer to you. You eventually feel his plump, soft lips press against yours lightly.

After about three seconds, he backs away from you. "Oh, no," Harry quickly stands up and nervously paces around the room. "I shouldn't have done that. Zayn's gonna kill me. I'm so sorry. It was in the moment, and--"

"Harry," you interrupt, standing up to put your hands on his shoulders to steady him. He stops pacing and looks at you. "It's okay," you giggle.

"What?" he asks, confused.

"It's okay," you repeat. "I...don't mind it."

A cheeky smile creeps up on his face. "Oh."

"Yeah," you reply and smile up at him, unable to think of anything more intelligent to say. But then again, you don't feel the need to. You're pretty sure he knows what you're trying to say.

"So, does this mean..." Harry begins awkwardly.

"Yes. I like you too."

He grins. "Then...would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"

"Of course," you smile back at him and pull him in for a hug. You love how comforting his strong arms feel around your body. "Oh, crap," you check your watch. "I'm meeting up with some teammates for lunch and then going to my volleyball tournament this afternoon, so I need to go. I'm going to be late." You let go of him reluctantly. "When Zayn wakes up, can you tell him I left?"

"Sure," Harry says.

"Great. I have to go. Tell everyone I said bye!" you tell him as you rush to the door.

"Wait, Marian!" he calls after you.

You turn around. "Yes?"

He walks over to you and plants his lips on your cheek quickly. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Harry," you smile before running out the door. You know you'll do well; all you have to do is think about him.


Like I said, sorry for the late upload! But I hope you like it! :)

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