Step 2: Stay Awake with Food/Drinks

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Have some energy drinks or sugary snacks before bed. It will help you stay awake during the night, trust me!

- Drinks that will help: Soda, coffee, energy drinks (Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy, Monster, etc.), & tea.
- Food that will help: Candy, chips, fruit (bananas, papaya, cranberries, apples, etc.), & vegetables (red peppers, carrots, celery, watermelon, etc.).
- (referring to TIP 1) The listed drinks will help, but as you can see, all of these drinks may contain caffeine, & caffeine is a drug. It can become quite addicting. Use caution while drinking the listed.
- Do not eat/drink too much sugary drinks & foods. You will seem hyper & energetic (sugar rush) for a few minutes, but then you will experience a sugar crash, which will make your body tired, & you may fall asleep.
- (referring to TIP 1) If your parents restrict you from drinking any of the listed, or if you are trying to refrain from addiction to caffeine, it's best if you not drink whatever you are restricted from.

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