Episode 7 - Raining on it

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The girls were shocked at what happened. Rouda was happy because her enemy finally left the house.

A day after the whole drama, the picture of Anni disappeared from the living room and instead there was an Italian flag.

"So the next bitch is Italian" said Nada. "I swear to God, people here are like mosquitoes, they leave so fast. Like half of the original girls left. Literally left of them left the house."

"This shit is crazy" said Güler. "I wonder who's going to leave this bitch next."

"No idea. But trust me, now that Anni left things are going to change a bit. But not much. As long as Tijana and Lia are here, there is going to be fights all time".

That day, Tijana was not talking with nobody. She was in the backyard, besides the pool, smoking. The other girls were in the living room planning their next night out once the new girl arrives. Rouda left the other girls and went to check on Tijana.

"I see Tijana alone. I can't let her keep being like this. She's part of the house. She can't be depressed all time. She gotta have a good time with all of us" said Rouda in the confessional.

Rouda went to see Tijana, who was sitting alone.

"Tijana, look what you did to yourself. You let Anni manipulate you to a point everybody thinks you're crazy." said Rouda.

"I don't care."

"Why are you doing this to you? Instead of having a fun time with everybody else, you're letting that bitch have an influence in you. She's gone, she was the core of everything." said Rouda.

"Listen, the producers told me if I fight Lia one more time I'm going to be kicked."

"Well that's a good thing. At least you both won't be beefing no more."

"But still. There are a lot of bitches I can't stand."


"You for example."

"How dare you? All I did was try to help you. I am the one who told Lia to kick Anni out of the house because she wasn't worth staying here."

"Well, you done ruined everything." said Tijana, who went back home.

"After all the drama that has been going in the house, I'm trying to control myself. Now that Anni is not with me, I'm going to try and be like all calm and not burst in any bitch." said Tijana in the confessional.

That day, Lia came back to the house and told everybody that she wasn't allowed to fight Tijana no more. And that said, the girls decided to leave her alone for once.

The girls planned on going to visit a park once the new girl arrived. Tijana was still on her own, not talking with the other girls.

The next day, the new girl came to the house in a limo. She was white and had a dark hair. She had a short dress on her.

"Hi! My name is Jessica and I'm from Italy. I am a kind girl to everybody. I usually don't make a lot of friends but those who are my friends know that I'm good. I like having a good time, but since this is called Club Of the Evil, I'm pretty sure a lot of drama is going to get down. It's just that I don't want to take part of it."

When Jessica entered, the other girls went to salute her.

"The new girl is finally here" said Rouda.

"This new girl seems pretty cool" said Güler in the confessional. "I think we can be good friends.

"We finally get to see the new girl and she's cute" said Rouda in the confessional.

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