Reunion Part 3

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The final part of the reunion. The time to wrap things up has come, but there are still issues on the loose. It was Marti's turn to speak about how she lived the whole experience.

"Okay, Marti" said Angel. "Did you feel bullied while being in the house?"

"Yes I did." said Marti. "It was hard for me to cope with all of that hatred. Tijana how dare you?"

"Now she wanna be dramatic."

"No, she's not you dumbass" said Lia.

"Lia, shut the fuck up! Let the girl speak up! Stop defending her, let her fight!"

"Tijana did actually harm me and I feel bad for what she did to me. I felt weak I felt unable to fight for my own things I felt as if I was going to lose it all."

"But why?"

"They were throwing my stuff! Do you know how does it feel to have your shit thrown? And to be honest, I feel good for what Mandy did to your stuff. You bitches deserved all of it. I enjoyed watching that while I was being at my house cause karma, bitches."

"Is this all you have to say?"


"Bitch, bye. You're irrelevant. I'm glad I kicked you!"

"Angel! Did you know this bitch was so desperate to fight me? The night we were at the house having a BBQ, these hoes came to fight, but instead of Anni's weak ass it was Tijana who came for me."

"Speaking about Anni. Did you know she was the mastermind behind most of the stuff that happened?"

"Yes, and I'm glad she didn't came here because she was going to get her whole face ruined."

"You were going to fight her?"

"Probably. But it's done."

"Okay. Tijana and uh, Marti. Both of you had your drama and all what happened in the house. Are you good?"



"Oh, Okay, nevermind. Let's get now to Rouda and Diana who are coming back to the stage. I hope they're chill now. Come on out, ladies!"

Rouda and Diana went out of the backstage and while Diana was stepping inside the stage, Rouda rushed towards Adela and clashed on her. Rouda started punching Adela. Lia and Marti got up and ran away.

"No, Rouda stop!" said Tijana.

Rouda was giving Adela good punches and Diana was enjoying every punch she received.

"Get her ROUDA!" said Diana.

Rouda was messing up with Adela, and then, security guards went to separate the girls.

"Rouda, it's enough!" said Ange. "You had enough punching her, Rouda!"

"Why is this even happening?" said Jessica.

Security men could finally take Rouda and Adela out of the stage. Adela was made a mess, while Rouda was still shocked.

"That's not how you fight people" said Lia. "Those were some weak ass moves."

"I'm confused" said Marti.

"Everyone is" said Angel. "Okay, we need to relax. Everybody have their seat please. We're going to call out next two girls to come. They didn't make it to the end and they were replacements. Everybody give a huge applause to Evelien and Güler."

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