Cherry Knots

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Title: Cherry Knots

Author: hepburnettes

Reads: 2,960,426

Votes: 83,790

Description: Declan Harte has never had trouble landing girls, or dating them…until it comes to the ultimate determining factor of every romance:

A kiss.

So when Eloise McAllister, the quiet, shy girl of the class surprises everyone by tying a cherry knot with her tongue during a challenge, Declan knows that she's the one who can help him perfect his kissing technique.

It should have been easy.

After all, what kind of trouble could one cherry knot possibly bring?

Review: Such a cute and sad story! It's all about kissing in this story. It's not that short, but it's still categorized as a short, and I think it is one as well. I really enjoyed this one. It was recommended to me by a bunch of other readers, so it had to be amazing, and it certainly is!  i tried to make a cherry knot with my tongue and one out of a million, I made one that was horribly mangled. Lol, oops! Now go read it :) Check it out in the external link, yo.


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