Against The Wind

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Title: Against The Wind

Author: loveloradestiny

Reads: 47

Votes: 6 (give it a chance!)

Description: The parties, the drugs, the drinks, the rebellion… it’s everyone’s idea of the teenage dream- or is it?

Is this really our society’s idea of ‘rebellion’- the late night parties and sneaking out, or is it something more? Is it something meaningful? Could Jamie’s idea of a rebellion affect her life forever, or will it crumble her life forever?

“Sometimes, when you learn to control your wings and go against the flock, the wind will lead your wings to new, extraordinary places.” – Loveloradestiny, Against the Wind

Against the Wind © loveloradestiny

Review: Yes this book isn't popular with many reads and votes, but, honestly, this book made me question this society. All I hear about teenagers these days are the drugs they're taking/doing, the alcohols consumed, and the unacceptable behavior around, influencing the younger ones. Thank goodness, I haven't TOUCHED any of that stuff. Also I love how she rebelled against the wind, or in this case, the way society (teens) works. I hope people become more like this... It's sad to see people doing these things to themselves... Yes, I'm ranting now. Now, shoo. Go read this! It's very short.

Check it out in the external link.


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