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No. it wasn’t possible, was it? Kars, the very one that made him walk around Hell itself for thousands of years… alive? Under the sun? And with that kid? How was that possible?!
Abraxas for the surprise dropped the chains, and turned into their dormant state: a strange-looking necklace.
Kars charged Santana, the man took him from the back with his ribs, but they turned into stone before they would work. He pulled back the bones and covered with his arms the abs.
“Just what I thought.” Kars said. Long and enormous spider legs were growing out of his back.
“You’re Santana… and you’re as weak as the last time I saw you.”
Abraxas just lost it, and he re-activated the chains.
“Ab, he’s not going to fall for it a second time!” He told at his ghost, but Abraxas didn’t listen, and he tried to wrap around Kars’ new legs to make him trip and fall.

Jojo was standing still, when Kars grow out those things he felt like his back was going to explode.
That was it. His bullshit meter reached the limit. If Kars wasn’t going to calm down…
He ran towards the fight and he put himself between Santana and Kars.
“Stop it!” He cried. But then out of nowhere purple vines manifested, blocking the two beings and the purple dude.
He looked down, and saw that his legs and half of his torso were gone.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Jojo cried, and the vines disappeared, just like that.
The one with the chains dropped them, and they turned into a necklace again.
Kars looked at him and the other two.
“Wh…? Is the kid like…?” Santana asked confused.
Kars pulled back his animal features.
Jojo shrugged, “I can do this now." he said.
“What should we do now then?” Kars asked.

Please, just go away” Santana begged.
Dealing with Kars for millennials was hard enough on its own. He didn’t want to deal with his own Angel and him but as a god. And after all that he done…
The man sighed.
Let’s just… walk away, and forget all of this. Okay?”
“No my dear! We stay together!” Kars declared, smiling.
Are you deaf or what? We stick together! We’ve been far for so long!” The other man hugged him. “Good Lord, if you got tall! And who’s that new guy?” Kars asked, looking up and down at Abraxas.
“Don’t worry Santy, I’ll make sure you become like me.” Kars assured, then he walked away, holding the young’s wrist.
“Come on! Follow me!” He called.
Santana and Abraxas looked at eachother. Was that a side-effect of the Red Stone? Or was he faking that new all-sunshine-and-rainbows personality? It was the best for them if they played along, and at the first chance they would escape.
“Santana, I’m waiting!”
“I’m coming!”

“Wake up, Nescres!” Tanya murmured. “We slept for too long, it’s afternoon!”
“Eha…?” the girl asked, shaking away the remaining sleep.
“It’s afternoon, we slept for too long!” the other repeated while helping her to stand up.
“I get it, I get it! Were shall we start this search?” Nescres asked.
“First, I need to do the morning ritual… well, afternoon in this case." and she pulled out of one of the pockets of her robe a mini-statue of Kars.
Are you kidding me?” Nescres thought.
Tanya took the figure to a nearby river, and she started to say ritualistic stuff in latin while bathing every single inch of the object.
Nescres sat next to her.
Why bother in finding that dude in the first place? There are lots and lots of statues of him, Tanya. You can sculpt a life-size version of him and we’re good.” the girl thought.
She looked around, but there were just trees, grass, rocks and the river.
I thought the outside world was more exciting than this…

When Tanya finished, she put back the figure in the robe.
“So what do we do now?” Nescres asked.
Uh, she didn’t think that far ahead. Well, it was time to improvise!
“We… uhm… go there!” Tanya said confident, pointing at a random direction.
They started to walk together, but it was too quiet, so she broke the silence:
“Do you know the myth of how we ended up like this?”
“Eh, I really don’t remember it.”
“Well then, it goes like this…” Tanya started.
“When He wasn’t with us, there were monsters and demons roaming around, destroying everyone and everything on sight. But then one day, the Heavens themselves opened: an angel with black wings came, and he tamed the demons. The being returned were it came, and us humans lived in peace with the creatures… but then one of them, Josbel, turned to its own kind, and by a ritual he fused with all of them, becoming the Prime One in the process. Kars came once more, but this time he was blessed by God to become one. Kars and the Prime One battled, but since They were immortal, They ran away. Kars united all of our land in one giant country, and he built city, walls and statue to protect us. The statue has a magic spell that creates a barrier, that only us and He can pass through. They’re still roaming around, struggling to maintain Their form…”

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