That Is How Overpowered We Are...

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We were walking through the woods back to our cabin and to Treenity lead by a glowing wisp because it was midnight also because I forgot the way back home while I fiddle with the plate on my chest.

~About Nine Hours Ago?~
Back at the guild

"If you don't mind me asking, where is the last member of your team?" Asked the guild lady. Before I answered, I remembered lizard men leader saying something about non-humans not being trusted in this kingdom.

"She's just a little shy around so many people so she's waiting at the inn." I lied. The lady gave me a look but nodded nonetheless. She brought out four copper plates and handed it to us. "This plate shows your rank in the guild. The harder the quests is, the faster you rank up or the more quests you complete, the more progress you make to reach the next tier. Happy hunting!"

~Right Now... Present Time~

We arrived at an empty dark forest opening but the wisp moved on and suddenly disappeared. I ignored it and pushed on forward. The empty opening suddenly changed as I pass through the illusion barrier that Treenity projects and found the cabin just like how I left it two days ago.

Treenity, It's a giant Tree of Eternity or a moving living tree that has immense strength, wisdom and power. The tree can talk but according to my conclusion, only Tyranshen can understand it. I created this big guy back then just because he looks cool and I made him to have mana that exceed the limit I think. He has a lot of health. He is resistant to blunt weapons but weak to heavy bladed weapons. He is strong against most enemies that is slow enough for him to hit. His only weakness is heavy bladed weapons and fire if I remember correctly because he is a tree duh... He can also summon wisps that he can sacrifice to help other teammates or me at least back in YGGDRASIL to either heal or replenish mana. The wisps can also fuse with other trees and turn it into dryads for more offensive and defensive uses.

Anyways, I'm back at my new home. Home. Kinda missed that word. I shook the sad thoughts from my head and smiled again. "Shen! I'm back!" I shouted and then she dropped down from one of Treenity's branch with a thud. "Welcome back, Naz." I grinned and held out the copper plate which she tilted her head in question. I was about to answer the unspoken question before I heard a door closing and a loud groaning and creaking of wood with a faint rustle of leaves. "Treenity says hello." Tyranshen said and I waved at Treenity.

I told Tyranshen to meet me inside the cabin in ten minutes before I entered the cozy confines of my wooden home. "My Queen, please grace your humble husband with your presence!" I heard a giggle from upstairs and soft thumps of feet. I grinned and ran upstairs, smashing the door open to see Ashley smiling looking out the window. "Don't give me that act. I know your personality because I made you and wrote your three page long description." She looked at me, smirking.

"Oh... If you do know me, then tell me what do I want from you know?" My grin grew bigger as I stepped closer to her. "Hmm... I think I know what you really want." She gave me a seductive smile and I was about six inches away from her face. She let out a yelp and flows into giggles because I pulled her off the window frame into my arms. She purrs and flicked her eyelashes at me as we closed the gap into a kiss. It was a long tender kiss, filled with love not lust, maybe. We separated, out of breath and maybe a little excited. "Come, let's get downstairs. Shen may already be there waiting."

And waiting she is. Ashley went to the kitchen while I sat down on the couch opposite of her in the living room and saw that she was pouting. "What are you sad bout, blue skin?" Her face turns even more sour when she heard the last part. "Well... I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a little frustrated because she's the only one that is getting extra attention from you?" Ashley came back with a teapot and three cups on a tray. "Is it not normal? I'm his wife after all." Ashley said harshly and they glared at each other. Katherine came down the stairs and smirked as she sat down on my lap. I kept quiet and patted her head.

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