»My latest obsession«

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Okay first off I spent so long the drawing in the last part and it got the least amount of reads compared to everything else in this book so if you haven't seen it go look at it

Back to the topic at hand, on the last day of school my Spanish teacher put on Thor Ragnarok and I saw this guy with black hair dressed in all black and I was like ooo he's cool and then he whipped out some daggers and I was like oh I love him already so I rented the movie when I got home and that is where my obsession began. I watched it three times in 48 hours. Then I found all the other movies featuring Loki, the black clad knife guy, and watched those three three times each. I watched four movies three times each. I have barely any storage left on my phone because I have so many pictures of Loki. For the last week all my dreams have featured Loki. This is an actual problem. I need help.

So when the rental periods ended on all the movies and I had nothing to do (and I think some anxiety and I swear if I was having withdrawal symptoms I need help) I decided to draw him. I'm now realizing that I've written a lot for a drawing that's not even particularly good or anything.

I've never done anything in this style before and some of the shading didn't show up too great in the picture I took but it's there

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I've never done anything in this style before and some of the shading didn't show up too great in the picture I took but it's there

Now that it's summer and I have more free time I might be posting more here but I'm a mess so don't get your hopes up

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