My Interview with a Fan

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A/N: This was interview that I participated in that was given to me by one of my fans @loverbunny. So read if you want to get to know the girl behind her stories a little better, if not you can skip this for sure. Have fun and have a good day either way. -Angel (lovers4life)

1) When did you discover you were bi?

I'm in fact not bi, I am a lesbian

2) When did you discover you were a lesbian

I discovered that around 10 or 11

3) So how was your first lesbian kiss, details please? (Rating 1-10)

I can't really remember my first lesbian kiss because it was so long ago. It was around sometime after my first kiss but it was definitely an improvement, I would rate it probably like an 8.5

4)Who is your celebrity crush?

My celebrity crush would probably be Lana Del Rey. She's so sexy and mysterious and I definitely have a thing for readheads. And she can sing like a goddess.

5)When is your next story coming out?

No more new stories until I'm completely finished with Falling For You. In regards to updates as of 7/12/14 Strange Vibes is next to be updated.

6)Who was your first girlfriend?

I've never had a girlfriend *enter gasp here*. There was never anyone I felt deeply attracted to to stick around for an extended period of time.

7) Who was your favorite superhero(es)?

My favorite superheroes would have to be the Charmed sisters from the TV show, Charmed.That was one of my favorite shows of all time and they kicked butt and saved the day.

8) What are the inspirations for your stories?

Most of the inspirations come from little streams of thoughts going through my mind. If not that than it is affected by the things I'm currently into.And sometimes it comes from stories I wish were out there for me to read so I make them up instead.

9)What are your opinons on gay marriage?

I feel gay marriage is the same as straight marriage and it should be treated as such.And that means marriage rights worldwide.

10)Whom was your first crush?

This boy who was my first kiss, but the dream was killed when we kissed.

11) What is your favorite movie?

I don't really have one I just have a favorite for each catergory. Like for a musical it would be The Wiz.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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