What If

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"Ash, you're burning up." Jessica honeyed. Her hand explored the girl's blushed cheeks for more warmth.

"What are we, the Jonas Brothers?" Ashley groggily grumbled, making her girlfriend crack a grin.

Lightning illuminated the dark room accompanied by only a lamp. Adding on, a rumble of thunder shook the walls, causing Ashley to stir. Jessica's head whipped towards the window and gazed outside, then right back to her girlfriend with a sigh. The past three days have been vomit in the toilet, dizzy spells, and hot flashes from the brunette. At the beginning of the week, Ashley had got caught in a thunderstorm ten blocks away from the Bellas house while coming back from class. That morning, Jessica had warned her that they were due for some showers the rest of the week and to take a jacket. But it was early and Ashley is not a morning person.

Having Ashley falling ill that same day, Jessica stayed at the girl's bedside. Not wanting to leave her even for a second. Putting damp washcloths to bring down her fevers, pumping calories in Ashley with her favorite pumpkin soup, and treating her to ginger ale when Jessica forced her to swallow the vile cold medicine. Ashley insisted that the blonde stop skipping her classes to attend to her virus, but Jessica wouldn't budge.

"You are far more important than any lecture, any test." she would reply while gently combing Ashley's sweaty hair with her fingers. Which, brought comfort onto Ashley, knowing she had someone who loved her as much as to risk a grade to be with her in the worst possible state.

But Jessica was growing weary. The one she loved most showed no signs of feeling better throughout her duration of being sick. Despite the amount of cold medicine Jessica had poured down her throat, nothing seemed to be helping. As the fevers began to rise, Ashley's sanity levels began to fall.

With her girlfriend handing her a cup of steaming tea, Ashley slurred, "Jessie, baby, can we go to the zoo?"

"Not until you're better." Jessica sighed.


"No 'buts'," she gestured the cup up to Ashley's mouth, "Drink."

Ashley took one sip before quickly swallowing and sticking her tongue out to pant. She pressed the cup back to Jessica while patting her tongue with her blanket to try and soothe the pain.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Ashley gutted with her tongue still out.

After setting the mug on the nightstand next to the thermometer, Jessica's hand reached over to caress her jawline, a move that never fails to instantly calm the brunette. Ashley sighed, giving in to the gesture that she loved, staring right at the person she loved. But her mind was running amok, woozing her thoughts.

"Do you think giraffes ever burn their tongues on cups of tea that their girlfriends make them?" she huffed.

"Honey, giraffes don't drink tea." Jessica twittered in amusement at Ashley's delirium.

With widened eyes, Ashley looked directly back to the blonde, "Well we wouldn't know that for sure unless we went to the zoo now, would we?"

"Oh God," Jessica said, "C'mon, you need to try and sleep some more."

Taking her shoulders, Jessica layed Ashley back down to her pillow, draping the blanket over her arms coated in goosebumps. Mirroring her girlfriend, the two positioned themselves to face each other. Ashley's droopy eyes examined Jessica's face, causing the girl to giggle in embarrassment.

"Close your eyes." Jessica reached over and rubbed Ashley's arm.

With a raise of an eyebrow Ashley replied, "What if I don't want to?"

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