Chapter 3

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        Once again I was laid up in a small, uncomfortable hospital bed. The loud beeps from monitors and the constant cries of pain from the other patients kept my head throbbing.

        When I had woken up this morning I was met by two V2 officers, one of which was Alex, the man I had met the other day. However unlike last time we met he refused to look at me and let the other officer do all the talking.

"The city has been cleared of all angels or threats of angels. You have 3 minutes to get dressed then we will escort you to the hospital where you will finish recovering." the man's voice was very hard and displeasing to listen to.

    I had half a mind to refuse seeing as Michael was no where to be found, and right now he is the only person I trust. But instead of being rash and uncooperative I obeyed the rude man's commands and got dressed while Alex and him waited outside. Since i just had to slip my pants and shoes on I took the remainder of the time to think about last night. I sat on the edge of the bed as images of last night flashed through my mind. I thought about what what Michael had told me, about my powers and how I was supposedly an important person, about how Gabriel had intentionally sent those 8balls after me. But what got to me most out of all that was when Michael had kissed me.

     Don't get me wrong I've kissed plenty of guys before, but when we kissed it was something else entirely.  There was a warm almost Tingley feeling that went through my entire body when his lips met mine. It was like my heart and everything else inside me was set on fire and the warm embers where shinning through my skin.  A loud bang on the door pulled me from my thoughts and kept my mind from wondering any further. I swung the door open and came face to face with Alex, his mouth half way open as if he where about to say something. But before anything could come out I spoke up,

"I'm ready."

Alex gave me a slight nod as a reply and led me down the steps and out toward the hospital. The other man stayed a few steps behind me the whole way there. He gave me a weird feeling that I just couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried. So did Alex, but the feeling I got from him didn't make me feel uncomfortable or scared, it was almost a feeling of security and protection. But than again it is his job to protect people so I'm sure he was suppose to give of that kind of vibe. That still didn't explain why the other officer sent chills up my spine every time I felt his eyes on me.

    After we got to the hospital entrance I thanked both of them and hurried in, hoping they wouldn't follow. To my luck they stayed outside and watched me through the glass doors. So now here I am. Alone in a hospital bed with only my thoughts as company. I thought of Michael mostly and why he hadn't been there when I woke up or if he even knew that those officers had taken me back here.  I wondered if he would worry about me and come to try and find me or if he would think nothing of it.

   I shouldn't care what he thinks, I shouldn't care if he misses me...but I do. I so desperately want him to worry about me. I want him to search the entire city until he finds me. I shouldn't feel this way towards a person I just met, even if he is an angel. Maybe it's just because I'm pathetic and need someone to be there for me, or maybe I do have magical powers and they are drawing me to him. I don't care what it is really, I just want to see him again.

   Just as the thought crossed my mind Michael appeared at my bedside. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I looked into is eyes. Though it disappeared quickly when he returned my gaze. His eyes held no emotion what so ever, almost as if all the life had been sucked out of him.

"I'm sorry I left, but there were officers there and they didn't really give me a choice." I tried giving him an apology and another sweet smile thinking that might make him a little more at ease but was I ever wrong.

"I told them to take you away." his voice was stone cold and he looked away from me as he spoke. "I'm done with you for now. When they remove your stitches you will be taken to train with the V2s and when the time comes I will be back to train you."

   I didn't know how to respond to his harsh words. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and I was left to bleed to death. Did he really say he was done with me?

"What do you mean you're done with me?" I could feel the tears pooling in the corners of my eyes. "Does that mean you're leaving me here alone? I don't know any of these people! I don't know how to be a soldier! Please...Don't leave me, not yet." I was full on sobbing now but that didn't seem to phase him.


"Yes, I'm done with you. It has to be this way." and with that he turned and left. My heart stopped at his words. Everything slowed down and tears poured down my face. I stared at his back as it left down the hall. The feeling of emptiness I had when my parents left me returned. The hole in my stomach, the ripping of my heart as everything slowly faded to darkness inside me.

~Michaels POV~

    I wanted so badly to reach down and wipe away the tears that where falling down her cheek. But I couldn't. I had to separate myself from Amelia and she would get over this situation eventually, she's strong...stronger than me. I turned and walked away with out another word. As soon as I turned the corner I let my tears flow. It was a silent cry, one tear at a time but it still hurt. This would be the last time I see her for a long time and the image I have is of her crying for me. This is harder than I thought it would be.

Sorry if it's kind of computer isn't working so I have to use my phone :(

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