Writing Prompts

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Hello, everyone! So, this is something that I thought would be a great idea. So, a huge problem that all writers face is..... drum roll please. WRITER'S BLOCK! I had an amazing history teacher a few years ago, who was a writer himself, and he always said that the best way to shatter Writer's Block, was to write, write, and WRITE. 

Now, I know what you are thinking, it's the same thing that I thought when my teacher told me: Are you CRAZY?! How can I write when I have WRITER'S BLOCK?! But let me tell you, that strangely enough, it works incredibly well. The trick is to write whatever comes to your mind. Whatever you are feeling, doing, if you want to write about the song that just came on the radio, or even about Writer's Block. Trust me, I watched my teacher go through it, and I myself have gone through this. But sometimes to get my creative juices flowing I use a writing prompt from an app that randomly generates writing prompts. 

So, to what I thought would be cool... I know that many writers face Writer's Block, sometimes on a daily basis, and if you are like me, sometimes a prompt is the best way to get the magic fingers working again. So, I thought that I would start posting a new Prompt everyday and the story that I came up with for that prompt. And I encourage my readers to take the prompt and write their own story for it, then to either send me a message, or to comment on the prompt with the title so that I can read it! :-) 

Also, what I should say before starting, it doesn't have to be completely original. Now, I encourage originality, but if you can only think of the perfect Sherlock or Doctor Who or Supernatural, or any fan fictions that you can imagine for the prompt, then go and do it! That's what this is all about! Getting those juices and imaginations flowing! 

So, now I say ta-ta for now, and wish you all what I wish all my fellow Writers: HAPPY WRITING!! :-) <3

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