You Are Sitting on a Park Bench When Someone Shouts Your Name

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Hey guys, I am sorry that I haven't posted anything for the past few days. Summer is crazy for me, especially the month of July. So, I apologize if I don't post something everyday. I really am trying. Thanks for being patient with me! :) 


I smile widely at the scene that surrounds me. I'm walking in the park, trying to clear my head enough so that I can sit at my laptop at home and crunch out a killer ending for my creative writing project. We had a year long creative story that we had to write, and the first draft was due in first period tomorrow. I didn't even have an ending figured out. I had Writer's Block. 

So, that's how I found myself in the park. I found the atmosphere calming, and the calm cleared my mind. The swirling spring colors gave me a creative look at life, and there was a special bench where I had a view of the stream that flowed through the park, and beautiful spring trees lined it. And my favorite part, at 6:05, the sun was directly behind the towering mountains in the distance, casting off orange and pink into the park. 

I come to my special bench. It as made out of a metal that had, over time and many rainy days, gathered several layers of rust. There were scratches and dents in it through many accidents or stupid bikers and just stupid people trying to do stupid things. This thought made anger well in my chest, but I shook my head and sat down on the bench. Angry thoughts was not how I wished to break Writer's Block to conclude a romance story.  

I looked at my watch and the bright green digital numbers gleamed back at me, seemingly with anticipation for what was to come. 6:03. I had two minutes before the sun was in the ideal position to shower that area of the park in warm colors. As my watch notifies me that it is 6:04, I look to the sun and sigh contently. This was the perfect way to get away from life and to clear your mind of all the drama that life throws our way. 

The sun is getting into postion, and just as the colors spread onto the ground and towards me, a voice rips through the serene moment. "Crystal!!!" I sigh and stand up, my peaceful mood shattered. I was about to scream at the person, until that person turned out to be my friend Sherlock. He stopped for a moment to gaze at the setting sun, and i could tell by the way he held his breath that he suddenly understood the beauty that I saw. A sudden pang of jealousy ripped through me. This was my special place, and I didn't want to share it. 

"What do you want, Sherlock?" He turned his head to me, and his ice blue eyes suddenly came into focus. He came down the hill and stood infront of me and handed me a blue envelope. But it wasn't any old blue envelope. It was T.A.R.D.I.S. blue. I looked up at him with a shocked expression. "Sherlock, where did you get this?" 

"It was left on the door of the flat, addressed to you. I haven't opened it, I wanted to see your face when you saw it. But now," he takes the envelope from my hand, ripping through the seal and opening it. "My dearest daughter, I am writing this to let you know that I felt so guilty for leaving you with-"  

"Sherlock!! Give me that back!!" I reach for the letter, but Sherlock holds it above his head so that I couldn't reach it. I pushed his chest and he fell to the ground. I grab away the letter as he looks at me with wide eyes. 

"Since when did you become violent?" I smiled at him and held out my hand to help him up. He took my hand, but instead of getting to his feet, he pulls me down to the ground next to him. We laugh and look up at the sky through the trees. After ten minutes of silence, Sherlock looks at me. "Crystal, does this mean that you will be traveling with him again? Does this mean that you are leaving?" I smirk. 

"Why Sherlock, is it because you would miss me?" 

"No. I would miss your intellect. The fact that you can keep up with me and that sometimes you solve the cases faster than I can, and-" I give him a look, and he props himself up on an elbow and stares down into my eyes. "Yes, Crystal, I would miss you. Would you miss me, if you were to start traveling again?" 

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