Chapter 0: Oath of Darkness

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18 years ago...

"Magic is Dying..

I have to do this..

Before it's to late..

Even if it againts the odds..

I'm doing this to protect my future.."

A Black Cloaked man with an old mask is on a run, carrying a child on his arms, walking fast as if someone is chasing him but on his mind the one chasing him is time.

His running stopped when he arrived at a wide glowing meadow. By the snap of his fingers, He stood in front of a couple lying unconsciously on the ground. He handed the child over to the couple crying out loud while breaking it's heart, a tear fell from his cheeks as he silently watched the child taken away from his arm.

He smiled. "It's up to you now, My Priestess"

He closed his eyes with nothing but darkness. Hoping a glimples of light will shine from it.

.. An hour ago..

The Glorious evening turned into a Nightmare! As lilies dried and disappeared on the air, The sky turned gloomy, the crowd was all screaming out of fear and anger. Till then they knew the Holy Priestess of Twilight is nowhere to be found. The havoc of chaos, started.

On a small hut in the village of Saphirra, an agony of a mourning mother filled the place as she carried her lifeless son on her arms. Until a Black like-spirit appeared in front of her.

"Your agony, despair, anger and fear called upon me. Such beautiful boy, pale and lifeless". A monstrous voice of the dark spirit said as he looked closely to the baby.

"What do you want!?". The mother hugged her son tightly to her chest.

"He is so special, and it hurts to see him in that situation, What I came here for is to offer you an oath. I need his body, in exchange of limitless power and Life. And I'll promise you, He'll never experience death again".

The mother tearfully stared at her son, as she closed her eyes, the baby started to cry. Later that she knew the Spirit disappeared. As a loud roars of Lightning Storms lights the sky. The mother was shocked as she looked upon her Crying baby, that controlled the Lightning Storm!

That nightmare night stated it all..

The mother cried and closed her eyes, as the Darkness lured upon her heart. Will there a be  chance to have a glimpes of Light?


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