Chapter 15

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Kendall´s POV

"Kendall, Kendall, Kendall, wake up!" - Kylie basically shouted to wake me up, I just opened one eye, what was happening?

"What is it? Is way too early, let me sleep a little bit mor" -I turned to look at Kylie and both of her friends burst out laughing" - What is wrong with her 

"Are you stupid or something? Kendall Nicole Jenner you have to be kidding me, you´ve been waiting for this day for the last few weeks" - Kylie was scorting me.

"Shit, wait what? Ugh I´m so dumb, I talked to Harry yesterday and oh, today, you can totally say I´m not a morning person?" - I totally remembered, I don´t know why I forgot, I was counting the days and now it has finally arrived. Kylie was laughing at me. I stand up from my bed real quick and opened the shower to take one.

"Liz message me yesterday the hour of our flight and by the time I wanted to tell you, you were asleep so I thought of waking you up, she took the earliest flight so you know, enjoy the day, since it will only be the weekend, just hurry up please" - Kylie told me and left the room, her two best friends were coming to New York with us just to not be that obvious.

Anyways is kinda sweet that Kylie planned all this for me. She knows how happy he makes me, even though I´ve known him for a short period of time.She knows how I feel for him, she knows how hard is for me to trust someone since my last relationships were a failure. I really can´t thank her enough, I really don´t know what I would do without her.

"Uh, Kendall can you hurry up, I wanna say hi to Mr.Styles as well" - Kylie joked while I was showering and I hurried up.

"Hey, he is mine" - I answered her and I went for something simple, a simple white shirt, some leggings, my leg warmers with my combat boots, a beanie and a grey coat and a scarf.

My mom was waiting for us downstairs. She made a little lunch for the four of us so we can eat to our way to the aiport. 

"Kendall, have fun and take care of yourself, I´m glad you are doing this, if he makes you happy, I´m happy for you, please text me when you land, I love you Kenny" - My mom told me and I hugged her. I actually thought that everything started because of her and I couldn´t be more thankful.

We left the house and Stassie and Jordyn were really excited for me and they were gossiping about how cute and how hot the boys are.

"Kylie I think you should date the blonde one, the Irish one, uh, what´s his name? Oh Niall, yeah you two will be cute" - Her friend Stassie told her and we laughed.

"Yeah, you should date him Kyles, we should go on a double date or something,I remember when I think he had a crush in me and liked all my insta pictures" - I told them and they burst out laughing.

"What??? Did he really?" - Jordyn asked.

"Yup" - I told her. The ride was pretty boring, it was really really early for all of us.

"Fuck, just for our luck" - I turned to see and they were paparazzi outside the airport waiting to snap pictures of us, it was too early but there is nothing you can do about it.

Snap snap snap.... That´s the only thing I concentrate in when the paparazzi is around. The questions they make are so stupid and I never pay attention to them.  We entered the airport and everything was ready to go. I texted Harry to tell him we were off and he told me he was excited to see me. Before we took off , I received a message from Khloe.

Khloe: Have lots of fun my little Kenny! Don´t do anything you will regret please, say Harry hi from me, I´m so proud of you and if you need to talk you know I´m here for you! I love you, Kokes. xo

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