◇1◇ Ophelia Philips

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Full Name: Ophelia Philips (Her original name is Ophelia Estar )
Reason for name: Her parents named her after the moon, because she was born at night.
Nickname: Lia, Lilu
Reason for nickname: Because her name is Ophelia
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Unknown
Birthday: May 24
Zodiac: Gemini
Currently living in: An appartment
Species/Race: Unknown
Ethnicity: Black, White
Blood Type: O positive
Occupation: Works at a maid cafe part time, and is an aspiring musician.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Social Status: Average
Relationship Status: Single
Status: "I'm alive aren't I?"

Body Build: A little muscular
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 Lbs
Skin colour: Mocha
Hair style: Long and curly
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Green
Distinguishing Features: Has freckles on her cheeks
Preferred Clothing:

◇Appearance◇Body Build: A little muscular Height: 5'7Weight: 120 LbsSkin colour: MochaHair style: Long and curly Hair colour: BrownEye colour: GreenDistinguishing Features: Has freckles on her cheeksPreferred Clothing:

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Accessories: None

General health: Good
Posture: Good
Any physical illnesses?: None
Any mental illnesses?: Depression
Take drugs?: No
Smoke?: No

Mental/Emotional State◇
Archetype: Rebel
Mental age: 21
Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Think before acting
Emotion-wise, generally: Is emotionaly wise

Way of speaking: Can come off as rude if she doesn't know you, but is kind to those she knows.
Common conversation starter: "What are you looking at?" "Go away." "Hey, how are you?"
Swears?: Yes
Made-up words?: none
Made-up language?: None

Likes: Music, Art, Her little brother, dancing, drinking, being alone
Dislikes: Thunder, The dark, being alone, rude people, jerks.

Drawing, singing, playing guitar.
Tapping her foot when she is nervous

Strengths: Her intelligence, her instinct, her physical strength, her ability to gain people's trust.

Weakness: Thunder, The dark, Being alone, she pushes people away.

Playing guitar, Singing, Cooking, writing, has the ability to hypnotist people, her eyes change color by her mood, and she can summon her weapons and armor.

Education: High school
IQ: 115
EQ: Yes

(Find out)

Thunder, The dark, being alone.

To be a singer for a record lable, and help people

◇Views/Opinions on...◇
Government: "The government could do better."
Religion: "I don't judge."
Economy: "I don't have an opinion..."
Technology: "It's advancing... it is both good and bad."

Food: Sushi
Color: Lavender
Animal: Husky or wolves
Number: 10
Holiday: Christmas
Season: Winter
Time of day: Night
Thing to watch: Tv
Movie: Scary movie ( SpongeBob )
Show: Rick and Morty
Type of art: Musical art
Genre of music: Any but country
Genre of literature: Thriller, Mystery, dystopian romance
Genre of shows: Any but sop opra's
Genre of movies: Any

She was born on May 24th, and she lost her mother at a very young age. She was put into foster care. Her first foster home she got into when she was five. The man was very cruel. He would beat her, and cut her with his empty beer bottles. The CPS soon found out and placed her with her loving foster family. She spent 7 happy years with them, and soon Issac was born. He was a true miracle baby. Their mother thought she was infetile till she had him. The story continues on from then...

She has two sides of her, and can be very mean when she wants to be. When she has her mind made up about something she does it, and won't stop until she does. Ophelia is stubborn, and hates admitting when she is wrong. She always acts cold towards people at first because she is afraid to look weak by being too nice. She is also very protective of those she cares for, and is always things herself.

Family: Isaac Philips ( Little brother ) Skylar Phillips (Foster Mother)
Mike Philips (Foster Father)
Nova Estar ( Birth mom )
Ryan Holmes (Birth dad)
Love interest: None yet
Friends/Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Her first foster dad, her bullies, and herself.


"Don't talk to me."

"Look I'm not here to make friends, or find love."

"I don't like you."

"Don't let people push you around. You need to rise up above them."

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