♧2♧ Issac Philips

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Full Name: Issac Philips
Reason for name: His mom named him after her dead father.
Nickname: Isa or nugget
Reason for nickname: Nugget is because his sister thought he looked like one as a baby.
Age:  5
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: In the town his parents live in.
Birthday:  September 24
Zodiac: Libra
Currently living in: With his parents
Species/Race: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Blood Type: A negative
Occupation: Going to kindergarten
Sexual Orientation: Doesn't have one yet
Social Status: He is a kid
Relationship Status: Nond
Status: "I'm good !"

Body Build: Average
Height: 3'9
Weight: 49 lbs
Skin colour: peach
Hair style: short
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: green
Distinguishing Features: none
Preferred Clothing:

♧Appearance♧Body Build: AverageHeight: 3'9Weight: 49 lbsSkin colour: peachHair style: shortHair colour: brown Eye colour: greenDistinguishing Features: nonePreferred Clothing:

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Accessories: none

General health: Good
Posture: Good
Any physical illnesses?: none
Any mental illnesses?: None
Take drugs?: no
Smoke?: no

Mental/Emotional State♧
Archetype: Creative
Mental age: 5
Act before thinking/Think before acting?: act before thinking
Emotion-wise, generally: a little

Way of speaking: He is kind to everyone, even strangers.
Common conversation starter:
" Hi I'm Issac!" "Hi what Is your name?" "Are you okay?"
Swears?: Nope
Made-up words?: Nope
Made-up language?: Nope

Likes: His big sister, mommy and daddy, playing at the park, drawing, and snakes
Dislikes:  The dark and mean people

Drawing, Dancing, Looking for snakes.

He interrupt people sometimes.

Strengths: His kindness, and ability to talk to snakes
Weakness: He is to trusting

Can talk to snakes

Education: Kindergarten
IQ: 109
EQ: Yes

"I broke the lamp in the living room."

The dark

To become a snake doctor.

Views/Opinions on...♧
Government: none
Religion: none
Economy: none
Technology: none

Food: Ice cream
Color: Orange
Animal: Snake
Number: 12
Holiday: 4th of July
Season: Summer
Time of day: Afternoon
Thing to watch: Cartoons
Movie: Pokémon
Show: Spongebob
Type of art: His art
Genre of music: Any
Genre of literature: the books his sister reads
Genre of shows: Children's shows
Genre of movies: Children's movies

same as Ophelia

He is quite childish, and he loves playing games with people. Overal he is a big ball of energy and love.

Family: Skylar Phillips (Biological  Mother)
Mike Philips (Biological Father)
Ophelia Philips  (Foster sister)
Love interest: None
Friends/Allies: Ophelia
Enemies: none


"I'm not cute, I'm a big boy!"

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