The Meeting

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Y/n! Y/n! Y/n wake up! I'm up dad,what do you want. Get dressed and hurry up we're going to be late. Okay I'm going. I decided on a tank top that says boy and some white shorts and white convers. Y/n you ready. Almost done dad. I put some light makeup on and grab my suitcase and phone. Okay dad let's go before we're late. We get in my Dad's car and drive to the airport. We get there and we go through security and wait for our plane to be called after like 5 minutes they call us to borad and just like that we're off to LA. SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY JHYPES BEAT BOXING SKILLS.. WE Landed and We get are stuff and get a uber to the hotel were we will be staying with the boys. When my Dad gives me my key I say thanks and start for the elevator when I get in all these boys start getting in. We get to my floor and all the boys get off I turn around. "Are you guys following me or something." "What no this is our floor" says this boy who looks just like my childhood friend but I just kick that thought to the side and say "okay" and Walk to my room. After unpacking and getting comfortable. I get a text from my Dad.

Dad:hey sweetie can you come to the studio and Meet the boys.
Y/n: yeah dad be there in a few.
Dad: okay sweetie love you 💖
Y/n: love you too Dad 💖

I look at myself in the mirror and I'm okay with how I look so I grab my phone and key and leave to the studio.
SKIP BROUGHT to you by Drew's jaw line 🤤

I arrive and go in side to see my dad wating for me. "Hey Dad." "Hey sweetie ready to meet the boys." "No not really but what's the worst that can happen right." "Right sweetie okay let's go." We walk in the studio and I see about 32 boys maybe even more all sitting and talking or on their phones. That's when I see Rita and Tim and I run to them and hug them. "Hey girly how have you been," says Rita. "Great how about you," I say. "Awesome," says Rita. That's when I turn around and hug Tim and he says, "hey how's my little super star doing." "Great and how's my gangster doing,"I say . "Awesome, I missed my little super star so much,"says Tim. "Aww I missed you to Tim." After saying my hi's to Tim and Rita my dad says boys "listen up!" That's when they stop what there doing and pay attention to my Dad. "Okay boys I want to introduce my daughter to you boys since she will be helping you boys with your outfits for the show. My daughter's name is y/n Carter she is 18 years old just like some of you boys and she's single so boys hit her up." They all started laughing and I say, "Dad stop your embarssing me." I start to blush because they were all starting at me that's when my dad says,"sweetie." "Yes Dad." "Guess who is here." "I don't know just tell me please." "Okay fine jhype come here,You remember him sweetie." "No wait what is your real name. My real name is Jay," Says jhype. "OMG Jay" , that's when I jumped into his arms and hugged him like there's no tomorrow. He just laughed and he says,"did you miss me?" "Of course Jay you are my best friend and I can't believe your on the show!" "I can't either this a dream come true for me!" Says Jay. "okay Jay introduce the boys to y/n please while me and the architect talk about the show okay,"says my dad. "Okay I will," says Jay. After my Dad leaves with the other architect Jay says "y/n this is Alan Ayala, Andrew Bloom, Andrew Butcher, Brady Tutton,Cam Jackson, Cameron Armstrong, Chance Perez,Devin Hayes, Dorian Tyler,Drew Ramos, Dylan Rey, Gavin Becker, Gianni Cardinale, Jaden Grey,Jon Klaasen, Jordan Grizzle, Lukas James, Marcus Pendleton, Matthew Dean, Michael Connor, Mikey Jimenez, Miles Wesley,Nate Wyatt, Paul Toweh,Santio Cardinale, Sergio Calderon, Stone Martin, Timmy Tames,and Last but not least Zach Taylor,So Y/n who did you get assigned to for designing their outfit." "Well I don't know yet but I'll find out later on today." "Oh okay so what you want to do y/n." "Let's invite some of the boys to go the ice cream shop so we can get to know them better." "Yeah that seems like a great idea."

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