To Blood and Bone (Part II)

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Lance was giddy all week. He told jokes, he tried to help Pidge with her projects, and he checked up on everyone hourly. He didn't pay any heed to his teammates ignoring him, but everyone still managed to be affected by Lance's bubbly personality- especially Hunk and Coran, who started to smile and laugh and find themselves wanting to be around Lance more often than they had before. They hung out with him when he danced and goofed around with the mice, when he admitted he wasn't as into as Allura as he pretended to be (he still was into her, but he admitted he took it a little overboard), and they were with him when he started learning how to cook and took the dive into engineering. Everything was great.

That was, until the next week rolled around. Lance came to breakfast one morning with bags under his eyes, although he was still as happy as ever. Hunk and Coran concluded together was that he probably couldn't get much sleep because he had to calm down each night from a whole day of absolute sunshine, although they both didn't particularly believe that explanation. Then the second day came around, and the third, and the fourth, and so on, and Lance was growing more sluggish each day and he rarely spoke. When he did, his words slurred and most times he spaced out in the middle of sentences. One time, he started to nod off during breakfast. Hunk was the first and only one to notice, and he quickly woke Lance back up before anyone else yelled at the Blue Paladin.

One day, a mission call came up and they all headed to their lions. Lance started rambling about what he wanted to cook tonight, slurring his words together, and everyone besides Hunk turned Lance's com line off. Lance was in the middle of a stand-off with a Galra soldier, when Hunk heard Lance's breaths deepen soft snores sounded from his com. The Galra successfully hit Blue, and she was down. Lance quickly waking up towards the end of the battle, screaming into his coms and taking down the last few Galra soldiers, and the Paladins barely made it out of there alive, scratched and bruised and extremely angry with Lance.

Hunk was gonna have a whole lot of explaining to do if he ever wanted to get Lance out of a scolding.


Shiro told Hunk to shut up.

Shiro told Hunk to shut up.

When Hunk tried to defend Lance when Shiro began to scold him, Shiro told him to shut up.

And Hunk did, like a horrible friend.

Shiro screamed his heart out at Lance and let all hell break loose. "WHY THE F- WHY THE HECK DID YOU LET BLUE GET HIT SO EASILY!" -Hunk noticed Lance's eyes started to droop a bit- "AND WHY DIDN'T YOU COME UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER?" - Aaaaand he's out.- "YOU'RE NOT HURT, SO WHAT HAPP-" Soft snores being made by Lance interrupted Shiro's lecture, and the Black Paladin stared in utter shock at Lance, who had fallen asleep while Shiro's voice was echoing throughout the whole palace.

Hunk cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Uhm, Shiro-"

Shiro whirled toward the Samoan man. "What?" he snarled.

"If I may-"

"Spit it out already."

" Uh, have you not-" Hunk gestured towards Lance, who was waking up, bewildered as Pidge shook his shoulder- "Noticed that Lance has been extremely tired these past few days? He's been falling asleep in random places, he has very deep bags under his eyes, and he rarely speaks without slurring his words. And if you left your coms on, you would have heard that he, uh, fell asleep in the middle of the fight."

Shiro looked over at Lance, who waved a little, and muttered a small oh. Feeling a sudden burst of courage, Hunk couldn't help but add, "If you were such a great leader, you would have forced him to sleep by now."

Shiro's head whipped around and he glared angrily at Hunk, before sighing and waving his hand. "Lance, please go to bed. You're off the hook this time, but I expect this not to happen again. Okay? Pidge and Coran, please help him to his room."

Shiro said that just in time, for Lance had been standing up and he collapsed into Coran's waiting arms. The appointed pair took one of Lance's arms each and wrapped them around their shoulders. They turned to walk out of the room, but just before they exited, Lance looked back and muttered in the smallest voice, "I'm sorry Shiro." Lance's face then hardened, "It won't happen again."

The door shut and Shiro sat down, putting his head in his hands. Allura grabbed his gloved hand and Keith began to rub Shiro's shoulder slowly. Hunk stood awkwardly in the corner,twiddling his thumbs. He knew Shiro had a tough job, but yelling and harsh words were the worst thing to do when trying to make something better.

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