To Blood and Bone (Part IV)

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Hello!!! If you've already read the past three parts, you might want to go back and reread the ending of the third part, or the next few chapters won't make sense. I decided to change the point where Lance leaves. I apologize!!! Love you all!!!

The Paladins landed their ship on the planet just in time- an explosion sounded from the east and screams were heard, all before the planet went eerily silent. If it had happened any earlier, the Paladins might've thought the alarm was false.

Pidge was the first to exit her Lion. She slowly crept down, and was soon joined by the rest of the team. They walked quietly, so as not to disturb anything or alert anyone as they made their way to the east. The wind whistled by them, and Lance shivered slightly. Keith began to grind his teeth together, pursing his lips.

A branch snapped behind them. The Paladins all whipped around, ready to pull out their weapons, but no one was there. Shiro did a short motion with his hand to move the team along.

When they finally reached the explosion site, nobody could breathe. It was disastrous. A huge crater was left as a permanent indent in the gorgeous blue planet. There was not a single plant or human being in sight, and the only thing left of the buildings were a few pieces of alien glass. The area was entirely demolished. It looked so... dead. Lance couldn't help but feel his heart shatter into a million small pieces. The planet reminded him so much of Earth.

A gunshot sounded behind the Paladins. They turned collectively, pulling out their weapons and settling into their battle stance. A Galra stood before them, with many others behind him. His gun was to the air. A warning shot for the Paladins.

All hell broke loose.


Lance got cornered by one of the younger Galra. He was fighting gallantly, and pretty soon the Galra's legs buckled and he fell to the floor. Lance let out a small breath, adrenaline pumping through his body, and he began to run. Keith yelled out from around the corner of the street, and Lance skidded to a stop before sprinting to Keith's voice. Keith was fighting a Galra whose back was facing Lance, and it seemed like the Galra was putting up a fight, considering Keith was one of the best sword fighters. Although Lance was better at being a sharpshooter, he often found himself on the ground during fights, which was unlucky as he usually didn't have any sword to fight with. However, with the Galra's back as an open target...

Lance rushed up to the Galra, hand formed into a loose fist, and dealt four quick blows to the Galra in the middle of the shoulder blades, the spots between the shoulders and neck, and under the lowest left rib. Lance cringed, hoping desperately that the art worked on any form of life and not just on humans. The Galra stood for a while, before finally collapsing before Keith. Lance let out a groan.

"Huh. It worked." Keith stared at Lance for a while. Lance shifted from foot to foot, listening to the fight going on a few minutes away. "Erm, I probably should... uh, go help." Lance started to run again, but not before looking back at Keith one more time and winking. The Red Paladin's face turned as red as his suit and he looked away, biting his lip. Lance smirked and faced forward before continuing on.

Of course, the instant Lance reached where Shiro, Hunk and Pidge were fighting, he gets shot right near his collarbone. Lance gasped, but didn't let himself fall to the ground. That would be defeat. Lance dragged himself over to Shiro and shot three of the Galra straight through the chest, before finally crumpling to the ground. Just before his vision went dark, he heard the Galra retreating and Shiro rushing over and waving his fingers in front of Lance's glassy blue eyes.

"Did we win?" Lance asked breathily. Shiro chuckled sadly, nodding before Lance blacked out.

me: *does a complete 180 on my readers and gives them Klance instead*

i'm kidding,,,,,,,

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