Chapter 1

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Your name is (L/N) (F/N). You have a fire quirk called Regeneration (it doesn't burn), it allows you to repair damaged cells. You are the Medic Hero: Phoenix. You are a single working mother as of today.

You look down at your newly born son and smiled putting your right pointer finger on the palm of his tiny hand. He gripped onto your finger, giggled and smiled. His eyes were a piercing light blue, (from his father's side of the family) and his fuzzy crimson red hair was from your mother's side of the family.

The nurse smiled at the "mother and son interaction" . You didn't want it to end, you wanted to keep this moment forever and not watch him grow up. would be too heartbreaking for you, you were only 19 and by the time your son is grown up, married, and has kids, you'll be in your 40's, maybe 50's.

You laid there holding your newly born son in your arms contemplating a name for him. Something easy to remember, uncommon, something that stands out but also doesn't stand out, something that sounds nice on the tounge. Yami? No, Nami? No. What about something American... Richard? No, that's something you don't want him to be. What about Enji? Yes, a decent name.

You continued to look at your son's innocent, smiling, face, "Welcome Enji (L/N)."

"That's a nice name." You looked up at the male voice that stood by your hospital bed.

"Is there something you need Love?" There was venom in your voice. You knew he wouldn't support you or your child.

"Just thought I would see our child for the first and last time. I'll send you money every so often and support your foolish ambitions of being a Hero, think of it as my way of providing child support." How you fell in love with this womanizer you didn't know, but at least you will make sure not to raise your child to be like him. You want Enji to have good ambitions, to be able to choose who he wants to be, to be able to choose what he wants, you want him to be a good person unlike Mr. Todoroki here who pulled the strings of your heart while pulling the strings of many other girls' hearts.

You smiled, "Thank you for at least trying to make the effort Mr. Tiny-dick but," you switched Enji to your other arm and allowed him to grip on your left pointer finger so he wasn't in his father's reach, "...I think we'll be just fine on our own."

The man put his hands up in defense, "Alright but don't come crawling back to me when you realize your "Hero" job isn't as successful as you thought it would be." You saw the smirk on his face as he turned to leave. You despise him. It's his fault Enji will some day ask who his father is and "what is he like".

After an hour or so you knew you couldn't fight the sleep any longer. You handed Enji off to your nurse; slowly you slipped into the darkness. You didn't dream of much. Your brain kept re-playing Enji's smile. There is nothing in the world more perfect then that smile.

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