Chapter One

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Rally Spencer rolled out of the bed she was on. She was staying at her friend Bam Margera's house while she was on tour. Rally was a pro-skater and drummer in a rock band called The Rusty Scissors. Last night she had arrived on Bam's porch greeted by many of the friends she had who lived in Pennsylvania, her home state. Rally brushed her layered dark red hair and got dressed. (([polyvore]))

"What's up queer-ieos, and Ville?" She asked as she walked into the room where Bam, Dico, Novak, Chris Pontius, and Ville Valo where all sitting.

"Hear that?" Chris asked, "She thinks we're gay." He threw his arms around Bam and cuddled into his chest, "What on Earth would make her think that Bam Darling?"

Bam shrugged his grip off, "Ew, you really are a... What was it you called him Rally Cat?"

"I called you guys queer-ieos." She took a sip from her bottle of Coke, "Except for Ville."

"Why not Ville?" Dico asked.

"He's gorgeous, has a sexy accent, and he's Finnish. Everyone knows I love Finnish guys."

"Thanks Ral." He stood up and hugged her.

She patted his back, "Welcome Ville."

"Kiss her!" Bam joked.

"Slip 'er the tongue!" Novak joined in.

Ville pulled back and Rally shrugged. He pecked her on the lips.

"Ew Rally, you're totally a whore for us." Bam teased.

"You might as well let us line up and fuck you one by one." Dico chimed in.

"I'm so first." Novak said.

"It's obvious you want us." Chris said.

She wrinkled her nose, "Ville I would, and Novak... Maybe Bam and Dico, if I could get past them being like brothers to me... But no one else."

"What about me?" Chris asked.

Rally wrinkled her nose again, "Maybe if we were the last people on Earth, and I was really, really drunk."

"You're so mean."

"Did you come in here for any other reason then to insult my American friends and try to rape the Finnish one?"

"Actually, bro, I did." She said matter-of-factly, "My black panties with the green trim are missing."


"Sooooooooo," She echoed him, "Who the fuck has them?"

"That would be Father of the Year over here." Bam said, "Stand up and show 'er Nudey."

Novak stood up and turned around, pulling down the back of his pants to show off Rally's green and black thong. He laughed and turned back around, sitting on the couch again, "You can have 'em back when I'm done if you want."

"No thanks... I dunno what I'd catch." She said disgustedly, "Just... Burn 'em or something when you're done."

"So what are you doin' today Rally Cat?" Bam asked.

"Nothin' much Bammy Boy; gonna film some skatin' and maybe write a song or two if I got nothin' better to do."

"I'm here." Chris said.

"Ew, thanks for that."

"Be nice," Bam threatened, "Or you won't be allowed to stay here when you're in PA."

Rally shrugged, "So what are you doin' Bam?"

"Plannin' a badass 'Welcome Back Rally' party for tonight."

Rally waved her hand, "All right, I'll see if I can fit showing up into my busy schedule."

"You're gonna show up." Bam commanded.

"If you invite Johnny Depp I'll show up."

"That's gonna be kinda hard."

"Dirt Nasty and Mickey Avalon? I had a pretty awesome dream about them the other night and I'd kinda like to see if it'll come true."

"Can you pick some people I actually fuckin' know?" Bam asked.

Rally pouted, "Please try to get Dirt Nasty and Mickey Avalon?"

"Why don't I just play them for ya? All I need is your CDs."

"Ok, I'll go get them right now... Don't you queer-ieos go sprayin' milk at each other."

Bam rolled his eyed and Rally laughed, walking back to her room. Someone grabbed her elbow and she turned around; thinking that it might have been Bam. It was Chris; he had closed the door and they were alone in the dining room.


"Yeah?" She asked.

"Do you really not like me?"

"What?" Rally asked, sounding confused.

"It's just that, well," Chris lowered his hand to her wrist, "You're always raggin' on me and I thought... Maybe you really didn't like me."

"No!" She yelled, "I like chillin' with you Chris; you're just fun to piss with."

He sighed with relief, "Thank God."

"Can I go now?" She asked.

"If you give me a kiss first."

"A hug."

"Fine." Chris let go of her wrist and Rally threw her arms around him. She counted to five and tried to pull back, but Chris still had his arms wrapped around her middle. She tried to pull back again, but he didn't let go.

"Uh, Chris?"

"Huh, oh! Sorry." He let go of her and smiled, "One more thing."

"What?" Rally asked, now getting annoyed.

"Do you want to hang out with me tonight? At the party I mean."

"Maybe if I'm not too busy with the Scissor Sisters."

"Please?" He took her by the hand.

She rolled her eyes, "If you let go of me and let me get my fuckin' CDs."

He grinned and dropped her hand, "Ok."

Rally rolled her eyes and started walking back to her room. The last four times she had seen Chris, he acted strangely around her. She shrugged it off; he was just a weird guy. But they were great friends despite her constant teasing, and his constant joke flirting... He was joking wasn't he? When she reached her room, she decided that it was a joke, because she and Chris were just friends.

I Thought Jackass Guys Didn't Fall In Love {Chris Pontius}Where stories live. Discover now