the "games"

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Only a few minutes later and a little notification pops up on my phone. I tap Diya's shoulder and turn to her.

"It's time to go our regestraion is in 15 minutes" i say tapping my phone screen.

"Ok" she says sliding off the couch

She then heads to her tv and turns it off. She grabs her shoes and heads towads the door.

She looked adowable she was wearing a white long sleeved sweatsr with a painfully short black skirt and clean black and white converses

P'han on the other hand felt very underdressed. She wore a simple plain white T-shirt and light wash skinny jeans and brought a black jacket and wore an old pair of Adidas that wern't very clean.

They headed out the door towards P'han's car. She wasn't rich or anything it was her dad's old car but he used it to transport food but he doesn't need it anymore.

P'han opened the door for Diya and she stepped in then she headed for the drivers side.

The ride was short and quiet they didn't talk much. That was until P'han decided to turn on the radio. She forgot that last time she used her car she was drunk and karsha had decided to use the internet function on the car. A soon as she turned the car on F u betta started blasting through the speakers.

Then Diya slowly turned to look at P'han with her eyes wide. So she quickly turned the music off and P'han started getying a major blush on her face.

Then Diya laughed. Loudly. Then P'han quietly started laughing while trying to focas on the road but she couldn't help but look at the beautiful girl she was gifted only a few hours pryer to now.

"You know you're really pretty when you smile" P'han said chucking a bit

Then that same tomato blush returned to her face immediately after saying it

"O-oh w-well thanks that's really n-nice you are also v-very pretty" she said stuttering on the way.

Now the rest of the 5 minute drive was dead silent. No talking. No laughing. No radio. Only light breathing. Eventually they got to their stop.

"Ok here we are" P'han said

The parked in front of a large building  called fuji san fine asian quizine.

"Wow it looks fancy" exclaimed Diya

"All for you" said P'han

"Wow thank you so so so much" Diya said sincerely. Then wrapled her hands around P'han's neck and pulled her into a tight hug. P'han then broke the hug put her hand around Diya's waist as they walked in. Diya nuzzled her head into P'hans shoulder and the headed inside.

"EOMMA!!" P'han yelled loudly at the front reservation desk.

"DAH, STOP YELLING!" A small old lady yelled at P'han

"Hi to you too mom" P'han said chuckling and reaching out for a hug. The little old woman and P'han hugged and the lady patted her back

"Oh, and who is this stunning young lady" P'han's mother said smirking a bit with small wrinkles forming in the corners of her mouth.

"Anneyohaseo" Diya said shyly bowing at the old woman.

"Wow she is so respectful unlike you Phana" the woman said nudging  shoulder while laughing.

"Ma this is Diya my date for the night"

"Oh well she's a keeper. Very kind and respectful young lady."

"P'pha comw meet your daughters girlfriend" yelled p'hans mom.

"Oh im coming you old geeser" an older man stepped out the small area and smiled at Diya. He looked just like p'han. Their names are even similar. P'han and P'pha.

"Anneyohaseo" Diya said quietly bowing to the older man.

She observed his image he was a generally tall man with chesnut brown hair like P'han's they had the same nose and eye shape. Though the man had bigger sized lips than P'han. He wore an all black suit he was honestly quite handsome for someone his age. He held his hand out for Diya to shake and she followed through with it

"Hi, um Diya your name is, im Mr. Kim but you can call me P'pha.

"Oh thank you sir nice to meet you" Diya said with a small smile her eyes shaped like mini cresants.

"Well anyway we need a table so can we get 1 ma" P'han said quickly

"Whats the rush Phana we were just getting to meet your gi-" then Diya cut off her mother. "I'm sure you're very hungry right Diya" said P'han walking over toward Diya wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

"Umm-" but before she could say anything Mr. Kim interupted
"Yeah you guys can head right to that table in the back


"Ok ok you don't have to yell" a young boy said looking to be in his teenage years. He had deep black hair and small brown twinkling eyes. A little charming smile. He was wearing red vans and a white T-shirt with black skinny jeans and a apron tied around him.  "Come on ya dunce lets go" he motioned for the girls to follow him.

Diya and P'han were seated at a booth at the back of the restuarant and the little boy talked very casually to P'han
" so sis what ya want to drink" he said pen and note pad already in hand.

"orange soda. And what do you want Diya?" Said P'han

"Umm just water is fine please" said Diya so quiet P'han could barely hear her.

"Ok one soda one water brb" said the little boy before turning on his heals and walking to get their drinks.

"So what do you think,eh?" P'han said will poking Diya.

"About what?" Diya said giggling a little.

"About my family"

"Oh theh are funny and very nice. Especially your father. But just one question."

"Yeah" said P'han quiriosly

"Why is your mother so much older than your father" she said harmlessly

"Oh right yeah she's my grandma i just call her that"

"Oh that makes sense. Does your mother work here too?"

Then P'han's face merged from a smile isntantly to a frown

"she used too. She died when i was 8 years old. In a car accident but we don't talk about it much." P'han said sadly

"Oh, i'm sorry i honestly didn't mean any harm by it." Diya said reaching over the table to hold P'han's hands

The P'han weakly smiled at Diya who smiled brightly back at her.

"So why do they call you phana if your name is p'han?" Diya said trying to take p'hans mind off the topic of her mother.

"Yeah its my full name i don't use it alot though" P'han said

Diya hummed in understanding. Still holding onto P'han's hand.

Soon enough her brother came back with the drinks and they ordered their food they laughed and talked aboud all sorts of things for around an hour soon enough they finished and left out tge resturant to head to their next stop.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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