Ghost AU Part 1

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Soooooo I'm up at like 3 am writing this because FUCK IT. The witching hour is time to do shit, my beans.

Also here have this weird ass video.

HereComeDatBoi: Yoooo Keith, my dude, brosky...



HipposAreLit: Lance, It's 3 am, what the actual fuck are you doing up

HereComeDatBoi: Something crashed downstairs and I'm scared and Pidge won't answer my calls

HipposAreLit: Yeah becuz she's probably asleep

HereComeDatBoi: We both know that's not true and If I'm supposed to be asleep, what are you doing up?

HipposAreLit: I forgot to turn my phone off and your annoying ass had to spam me


HipposAreLit: Calm the down dude, it's probably just Blue again

HereComeDatBoi: SHE. IS. NEXT. TO. ME!!!!


HipposAreLit: Lance......


HereComeDatBoi: PLEASE HURRY!!!... Blue's freaking out!!!!

HipposAreLit: Hold on I'll call you


Keith was sure it was nothing, he had never encountered anything supernatural and doesn't plan on messing with it anytime soon. Sighing, he dialed Lance's phone number and it barely rang and he heard a frantic Lance on the other end.

"OH MAH FUCKING GOD KEEEEEITH!!!" shrieked Lance, breathing heavily.

"Dude.... Stop screaming, if you want my help just chill out!!!" Keith replied mildly annoyed.

"KEITH PLEASE JUST GET OVER HERE!!! I HEARD A WHISPER!!!" Lance trailed off to a whimper, fear starting to coat his voice. Just then Keith heard what sounded like books fall to the floor. Still not believing what Lance is saying, he palmed his face with his free hand.

"Lance, for god's sake... I hope you're serious... I'll be over in ten...." Hanging up abruptly, Keith huffed and pat Yorak (yesh I put Keith's new space dog in here) on the head and got up to feed Red. Taking his time, he threw on some sweatpants and his favorite MCR t-shirt. Stretching and yawning, Keith then trudged downstairs. Grabbing his keys, gloves, and phone, he wondered just for a second if, should I just stay home? Nah, He sounded pretty scared... plus this is what friends do for each other, right?


After Keith hung up, the room suddenly started getting colder. Blue had wriggled her way under the sheets and was mewling angrily at whatever thought it was a good idea to fuck with Lance McClain. Saying more to himself than the strange presence he whimpered, "D-don't fuck with m-me! I HAVE T-THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME BY MY SIDE!!!!"

Being raised in a religious household meant that Lance always had some sort of cross or crucifix on him at all times. Abuelita always said that it would never hurt to have one. 

Scrambling over to his bedside table, Lance grabbed a crucifix. As if something sensed it, the room suddenly dropped ten degrees. Shivering and whimpering the Cuban boy hid under his blankets.

At this point, Blue had run out of the room and abandoned her oh so lovely human companion. Loyal housepet my ass. Lance thought to himself. Seeing that she bailed and was now alone,  Lance cursed under his breath and continued to freak the freak-out.

"You shouldn't have done that...." whispered a low, airy and ragged voice.

On the verge of tears, All he could do was wriggle further into his bed, praying that Keith got here soon.


Arriving at Lance's house on his Motorcycle, Keith pulled into the driveway. Making his way to the front door, all Keith could hear was Lance yelling some sort of meme reference at his "ghost" tormentor. Humor's always been his way of coping, hasn't it. Still unsure what to believe, he knocked on the door, and yawned loudly.

Whatever was going on must've stopped because Lance had stopped screaming. Opening the door. Lance lunged himself at Keith, long legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Lance what the fuck???? GET OFF ME, DUMBASS!!!" Keith yelled shoving prying the clingy boy off. As he did, Keith was able to fully see his face. His ocean blue eyes puffy and swollen, pink lips jutting out in a small pout. Was he crying? Keith noticed he was scowling, then his face softened with concern.

"S-sorry... I just am really scared..." Lance sniffled and wiped his eyes.

Keith realized that whatever had gone down in there must've been really fright-inducing because from what Keith had remembered, he had never seen Lance cry like this. Suddenly, Keith had the urge to comfort him. I really hope he's ok he thought to himself.

"Come on," Keith put his arm over Lance's shoulder, "We should probably get inside."


Lance invited Keith inside and explained everything that happened. 

Blue had come out and sat on Keith's lap, still vigilant. Keith just listened. Lance was ranting to him about how scared he was and he attentively listened. Lance assumed he'd be annoyed with being up this early or just show a general disinterest, but he just sat next to him and really listened, which the tan boy really needed at the moment. 

Keith rubbed circles on Lance's back to help calm him down.

Lance and Keith were sitting on the Living room couch when Lance heard something scurrying around in the attic. Both boys exchanged a worried look and listened for a few more seconds.

"Hey uh, Lance by any chance have you ever played with a Luigi board?" Keith asked, now on edge.

"About that- wait, did you say Luigi board?" Lance said with a teasing edge, chuckling at the thought of how adorable Keith could be.

"Yeah, What about it?" he stared at me with his Indigo eyes like Lance was speaking another language.

"Keef," Lance slurred mockingly, "It's a Ouija Board. Not Mario's underrated brother."

Blushing at his obvious mistake, Keith brought his hand to his face and sighed.

At that, Blue started to hiss at a corner in the kitchen and jumped off of Keith and to take refuge under the couch. The lights began to flicker and burn out one by one, slowly.

In unison, The boys whispered, a simple yet very fitting phrase for their paranormal predicament,

"Welp... we're fucked..."

Here have this crap. I think this turned out decently. 

Don't forget to vote and comment! I pretty much run on motivation soooo anything and everything helps.

I still don't expect many people to read this but anyhow...if they do... I'LL UPDATE WHEN EVER!!!!!


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