Ghost AU part 2

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Lance and Keith were both freaking out. Lance had jumped into Keith's lap and proceeded to scream while Keith clung on to the taller boy. All either could think about is whether they would survive or not.

All the doors began to slam one by one. BOOM. Blue was having a major fit and her fur was puffy all over. Lance's bookshelf began to shake, and the kitchen cabinets began to rattle; it was completely terrifying.

"DUDE! I DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING ON!" yelled Keith, "ME NEITHER!" Lance replied with a whimper.

Suddenly a voice was heard, it was ragged and both boys could barely make it out...

"You shouldn't have done that..." 

"Lance, what the fuck did you do!" Keith accused.


"PLAYED WHAT!? Lance, If you have a Luigi- I mean Ouija board in this house I swear to-" Keith was cut off by a cold chill running down his spine. Apparently, Lance felt it too, because he shivered in his grasp.

They both slowly, carefully turned... what they saw would forever scar them...

A figure cloaked in the darkest pits of hell, that smelled of rotten flesh and looked as if a car ran it over and was abandoned on the side of the road to be grilled by the blistering hot sun, was standing directly behind them. It was tall, about 7ft and loomed over both boys. At the sight of this figure, both Keith and Lance paled.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Keith screamed, a couple octaves higher than his normal voice.

Lance just grabbed Keith harder and screamed like a little girl (imagine Finn's voice but more scared) At this, Keith scooped up the lanky boy as Lance grabbed Blue, and bolted to the front door.

Not realizing what position they were in, Lance nuzzled Keith's neck as he cried. Blue was clawing onto Keith's shoulder, but anything was better than staying with that demon


Keith dashed over to his motorcycle and quickly started the engine. Lance put Blue in his bag that is always with Keith or his motorcycle. Lance rushed over and hopped on. Without hesitation, they both zoomed away.

Lance clung onto Keith tightly, and the paler than usual boy could feel exactly how shaken this must've left him. Heck, both boys might get a couple of gray hairs from this experience. Lance had decided subconsciously that we would crash at Keith's house.

Still shivering, Lance spoke up... "Keith?"

"Y-yeah, Lance?" Keith spoke shakily.

Mumbling something under his breath, his arms suddenly tightened around Keith's waist, a foreign, but welcomed sensation. "I just needed to know you were still here...." The Korean boy felt heat rise from his neck to his face and was careful to hide it so Lance wouldn't see. 

Smiling to himself, Keith wished that these small moments could be happening under different circumstances.


Nuzzling his face into Keith's back to wipe his tears off his now red and splotchy face, Lance couldn't stop thinking about how this happened. Snapping him out of his thoughts, Blue stuck her head out of Keith's bag and looked at Lance, bluish fur being blown in multiple directions due to the wind and high speed of Keith's motorcycle. 

"T-thanks for coming over..." Lance spoke quietly.

"N-no problem. We're almost at my place... I guess you can stay over for while if you want." Keith cleared his throat and turned into his neighborhood.

Literally Klance and Other VLD One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz