Chapter 5: (part 1/2): The Stain Incident

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Yeah so I don't have a schedule of when I post chapters but today I was feeling kinda inspired and I came up with a bunch of ideas. This chapter will have a part 2 so that might come in a while so look out for it. another thing is I'm sorry for not publishing chapters that much, its just that I don't spend that much time on my computer and I don't have much time for writing, so I'm trying my best!  I also might try to be a bit more focused on trying to get the timeline right and get better at writing in general so, ye.

please stop saying she's the avatar or I will find out where you live and kill you.


Deku POV-----

It was nearing the end of my internship with The Fighting Hero Phicica. In our sessions she had been teaching the other interns and I some fighting, stealth and agility techniques. But days of this internship had tired my body and the longer I practiced, the more my body ached. Phicica's exercises were challenging and required lots of strength and concentration and almost everyone was exhausted. Phicica spent the whole session trying to keep everyone motivated, offering sweet smiles, words of encouragement and a thumbs up to every intern. After what felt like hours of practicing exercises which involved lots of physical strain, I spied a couch on the far side of the room. Panting and sweating, I collapsed into the cushiony surface, my body groaning with agony.

The other interns watched me walk over but didn't say anything. They turned back to each other and continued to work. I sunk lower into the couch and watched them practice, my eyelids growing heavy.

I woke on the couch and lazily wiped the drool from the side of my mouth. I peered through the side of a window and could see that the sky was dark. How long had I been asleep?

In the corner of my eye I could see some of the interns sitting on other chairs and couches, resting after the training session. Slowly, I got up and begin looking around for Phicica. The resting interns watched as I paced up and down the building, flinging open random doors hoping to find her. It was beginning to look hopeless when suddenly I heard someone call from behind.

"Hey there! UA student with the hood! D'you wanna go on a patrol with me? I'm taking a bunch of the interns to see how you'd all do on patrol."

I turned to see Phicica behind me, pointing to a bunch of the interns at the end of the hallway, standing near the front entrance. "Wanna join us?"

"Oh, s-sure!" I stammered, walking towards the door. Oh gosh... I hope we don't encounter a villain, I thought to myself. I just want a peaceful evening, plus my body is way too sore to properly fight and I don't want Phicica to think I'm incompetent.

Phicica walked out the door, with us interns tailing closely behind. She led us into the city of Hosu, which happened to be where Tenya was interning as well. I wondered how he was doing...

After around 30 minutes of patrolling the streets, Phicica suddenly stopped, lifting her head up and sniffing the air.

"Is that... smoke?" I heard her mumble to herself in a serious tone that didn't fit her normal 'cutesy' persona. Her brows furrowed as she sniffed the air again, assessing the smell. "Maybe we should check it out..."

I bit my lip. I didn't think any of the other interns heard, since I was positioned closest to her. She turned towards the group, her voice suddenly changing back to it's normal cheery tone.

"Hey hey friends! We're gonna change the plan and patrol the alleyways. Cause, y'know, that's normally where villain stuff happens! Plus, I think I saw another group of heroes patrolling this area."

The Pretty Lies {Female Deku AU}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon