"The Groom of Rosenberg... " Parts VI-IX

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The Groom of Rosenberg... 

Archived at the Buffy Rebecca verse (there are pictures.  )…

PG-13.  One or two violent scenes. 

Disclaimer: All BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, MutantEnemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. 

Summary: Just for fun.


I wanted to do a big creation scene in Sunnydalopolis but a "Bride of Frankenstein" scene couldn't quite work.




Since "Bride" is one of my favorites…

Part VI. 

With angry searchers combing the streets and nearby hills of Sunnydale, Dawn is finally persuaded by Anya and a slightly injured Xander to give up any further attempt to find Buffy this night. 

But they agree it's time Willow got involved.  No way is she scooting off to Vermont in a few days with Tara to forget all about the mess she's made. 

After some angry words by phone from Xander and Dawn, strongly backed by Tara, Willow agrees to join the search tomorrow with helpers from her family estate. 

Geesh, why are they all so mad at me?.  she thinks, looking at Tara's face as she hangs up. 

After all, Buffy nearly killed me when I tried to capture her before. 

I mean I resurrected our old friend.  Where's the gratitude?. 

The next day, early morning in Spike's crypt. 

"Feeling better, pet?.”   Spike kneels by Buffy, carefully washing her wounds, putting more salve on her burns. 

She nods.  And signs for him to come over for a kiss. 

Staring at him as he does so happily. 

Can't you see what I am now?.  she tries to say.  Holding his hands and looking into his eyes. 

Choking out.   "Can't.  see.  me..now.?.." harshly. 

"You are my Buffy, pet.  That's what I see.  Whatever Willow did to you.”   he pats her. 

Buffy having managed to choke out enough the night before to give him a basic idea of what had happened. 

Red and her damned arrogance.  Always knew it'd get her into trouble one of these days. 

Just.  Why didn't she confine it to her own damned self.  Or her damned gal-pal/assistant?

"Ci.  Ci..Cicely?" Buffy chokes out. 

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