The day has come

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Today's, the day I get to stay over at my grandmothers house. I'm extremely excited cause she always feeds me desert and let's me play on the computer.

-Mom knocks on grandmothers door-

-I wait, until she opens-

-Door opens-

Grandmother: Hello, there! Come in!

Mom: Hello, I'm just letting her stay over for 5 days until I come back from vacation. Have fun, sweetie!

-she leaves-

-I walk in-

-I hug grandma-

Grandmother: -She locks the door behind me- Okay, dear you must be very hungry. I hope, your ready for my delicious cherry pie!

Me: Yes, I always love your pies. -I sit down on the couch-

I always, wanted to help her, she would always say "It's okay, I can do it myself dearest!" I just, want to help her so, whenever she needs me to cook I can make the pie.

-I see her go into the basement-

What the, why would someone go into the basement? Maybe theres frozen ingredients in there. I'm so confused, enough of this! I have, to know I'll go down their tonight.

-she carry's a big bag of  something-

-after she's down cooking-

Grandmother: Here you, go enjoy

-I eat it-

It always, has a bittersweet taste. Aren't pies supposed to be not bitter? Whatever I loved it

Grandma: Okay, sweetie time for bed! But don't go to the basement

-I walk Into the guest room-

-I wait until, she goes to bed then I quietly tip toe down the basement-

God, it smells rotten in here. I must explore more

-I see a big container of human legs and a human head-

What the, hell! I know I shouldn't cuss that's a rule breaker in grandmas book. If someone says any bad word she washes there mouth out with soap. But this, is not okay! I have my phone on me I need to call someone. 911? What do I do

-The door closes-

What the i have, never closed the door.

Grandmother: I thought, I told you never go to the basement now you have to suffer.

-I run outside the basement-

I need to get, out of here that woman's crazy! My house is not far, I'll just run their!

-I run to the door-

It has a code, but there's a note taped on the door

"Hello, my names Elizabeth I was trapped in here for 3 months. I finally found the code I taped, the note on the door because, I couldn't survive but I know you will need it. Pleas, be careful she had a knife and almost killed me. The code is 76689"

-I enter the code, and run to my home-

Grandmas Secret recipe Where stories live. Discover now