The home

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I finally, got home. Biggest problem is I don't have the keys. I know, grandma doesn't have the code to her house, I'm sure grandmother didn't see me escape, i know the code! My mom always told me it whenever, I got locked out.

I don't remember uhhh

-I open the garage code, cover-


-I try the code-

Yes it works! I hurry in and close the garage door I know, that the second door in the garage works

-I walk in and lock the second door-

Phew, I'm home.

-I got a text from grandmother-

"I know, you ran home. Your lucky you have security guards! I would kill you, if those stupid security guards weren't there."
Thank, god she's not coming. I forgot my mother hired them.
"Haha, you think the security guards, stopped me from coming, im coming over, with my knifu to end your laifu"
Oh shit.

A few minutes later

-I hear noises outside-

"Let me in! I'm gonna kill her!
"I don't think, so your not going any where near my house you crazy bitch"
"You think, cause your her dad you can stop me!"
"The cops are!"
-I hear hand cuffs-
"Your going to jail for the dead, body's and threatening death"
"I'll get you next time!"

-my dad walks in and locks the door-

Dad: honey, are you okay.

Me: -Scared, trying not to cry- dad... what happen?

Dad: That was, your grandmother she had a knife luckily, we didn't go to the vacation sense our plane canceled. Your mom is on her way, she had to go to the store. Your grandmas in jail on death row sense she killed 799 people. I didn't know, this.

Me: thank you dad -I hug him-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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