Bucket List - Things You've Always Wanted to do!

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What's the best tip to travel better? Keep traveling! However, not everyone can travel

without a list of things in hand. With every trip planned; you will gain more experience

and learn about the new place. So, if we're actually looking at defining what a 'bucket-

list' is, this is what it means....

In simple terms, a bucket list is nothing but a list of things you 'want' to do before you

die... but then, it also means the list of things you 'don't want to' do before you die.

Now, that can be tough, isn't it? So for example, you write down the things you're

always wanting to do, such as bungee jumping, rafting, mountain biking/climbing and so

on, but can you write down the things if it concerns social norms or traditions or simply

what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Well, it can be a lot more than what you'd think. We at Woovly

can tell you the who's, how's and the what's of a bucket list to make your life easier.

Bucket List - Things You've Always Wanted to do!Where stories live. Discover now