Why Do we need a bucket list

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The actual key here is to simply write from your mind; the first thought that comes to

your mind with no consideration of whether it can be done or not. Just go for it! A

famous impression by E.B White once read, 'Life is like writing with a pen - you can

cross out your past but you can't erase it.' So, if you don't write down the moments you

wish to spend time with, how would you strike it a past or rather a memorable memory?

Thus, by simply writing, it will give you the confidence or encourage to turn your dreams

into realities and being honest with yourself is the most important thing.

Before you start, we can provide with some encouraging quotes/phrases that may

motivate you to create a bucket-list. (To be honest, these still motivate us). Try it out!

 Don't listen to what people say. Go See

 Discover. Explore. Experience. Create Memories

 Sometimes you must get lost to find yourself

 Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen

 Once a year, go someplace you've never been before

 You know all the things you've always wanted to do? Then Go!

 Every exit is an entry somewhere else

These quotes are enough for you to begin your journey now. However, another thing

what can keep you motivated is, reading. Read what you love about traveling; about the

places you'd love to visit or see one day. Start planning backwards, and who knows

where your next destination will be. Discussing destinations, upcoming plans with your

family/friends circle can help too. Make a choice and accelerate, the path is all yours!

Bucket List - Things You've Always Wanted to do!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu