chapter nineteen

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It feels impossible to breathe through my sobs and all I can feel is them touching me.

I'm overwhelmed with shear terror and I don't know how to make this feeling go away.

My phone buzzes from beside me which makes me jump. It's just a facebook notification but it gives me a solution.

I pick it up with my shaky hand with great difficulty, I eventually find Vic's contact and press call.

He doesn't pick up the first time which just panics me more but eventually he picks up the second time.

"Kells, you okay?" he says groggily.

"V-Vic." is all I manage to choke out through my sobs.

"Breathe, baby. Deep breaths." Vic says softly. "What happened?"

"I h-had a nightmare." I sob. I'm aware I sound like a toddler and it's embarrassing but I've never been so fearful in all my life.

"You're okay, darling. Just breathe." his tone is gentle and very calming.

I take deep breaths as he repeatedly tells me to breathe and reminds me that it was just a dream.

After a ridiculously long time, my heart rate has dropped significantly and my sobs have settled. My breathing is still shaky and all over the place but I should be alright.

"You okay, Kells?" he coos.

"Yeah," I sniff. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I'm glad you called me." he murmurs.

"I'll get out of your hair." I sniff.

"No, don't go. I want to talk to you." he whines which makes me giggle and feel warm inside.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I ask, pulling my blanket back over myself and resting back on my pillow. I put my phone on speaker and place it beside me.

"Everything." he chuckles.

I grin at my phone and start to wish he was here with me.

"Everything is a lot." I murmur.

"Well let's talk about you, seeing as you are my everything." he chirps.

"That was smooth as heck." I blush.

"One of my many talents." he chuckles. "What is your favorite subject at school?"

"I don't know. I never really had time to enjoy school. Changing schools so often partway through the year, I just got put into the classes that had room." I explain.

"Well what class would you pick if you had the opportunity?" he questions.

"Something music based and something art based. I think I'd enjoy both." I chirp.

"I took art and music classes when I was in highschool. Had a great time." he says.

"What was highschool like for you?" I ask curiously.

"The worst years of my life." he chuckles nervously and sighs.

I frown at that.

"What do you mean? You were totally a jock or something." I say confused.

"No, no, definitely not. I got the shit beaten out of me by the jocks." he sighs. "My parents sent me to a high-class pristine private school so I could get a good education. But the demographic there was white, straight, privileged kids. I was a middle-class, Hispanic, gay boy. That didn't sit well with some people."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say sadly.

"It's fine. I got a damn good education. Graduated a year early, top of my class." he says proudly.

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