camera. (jk)

428 32 9

Pairing(s): Jungkook x You

Tags: Non-Idol!AU, short drabble

Genre: 🌸 / Fluff

A/N: Please appreciate and support Jungkook's GCF Also, if you're like me and hates to see yourself in the mirror/photos, here's hoping we'll get over our insecurity one day. Remember to love yourself


"No," you fidgeted uncomfortably on your seat.

Your boyfriend of three months frowned behind his DSLR camera, a Sony Alpha A9, newly bought and fresh out of the box. Even before you started dating, you've known his love for cameras. If he had a social media account (he didn't, which was a tad strange considering people your age had at least one), you imagine it would be chock full of scenic photographs.

"But why not?"

"I don't like-- to be photographed."


"I just don't," you shrugged and gave him a stern look. You pondered if you should have given him the real reason of why you didn't like to have your picture taken, but the insecurity sounded dumb in your head and you weren't sure if Jungkook would understand.

Seeing your stubborn expression, he pouted, but lowered his camera obediently, directing the lenses to the Instagram-worthy dishes splayed on your table. This you had no problem with, so you watched him with a smile as his brows furrowed, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he tried to find an angle he was satisfied with.

"Mmm, doesn't look tasty enough."

"If you don't eat it soon, it'll turn cold."

"Cold pasta. Yum."


Jungkook gave you a grin and determinedly directed the gadget around his surroundings, as if trying to find an object to take a picture of. You let him did his thing and went to enjoy your food, exchanging small talks and fond smiles throughout the date.

It wasn't until your one year anniversary that you realized why he brought that camera everywhere, even though you continued to insist for him to not take a picture of you.

As you unwrapped the small square package, you could feel his eyes watching every single of your movement. Your fingers brush against the plastic cover and you tilted your head at the sight of an old school plastic disc.

"GCF," you read the handwriting on the clear surface, eyebrows raised, "'in Our Memories'. What's this, Gukkie?"

"Well, why don't you find out?" He gestured at your laptop, already in sleep mode and pushed away to the edge of the table, its job of helping you with your assignments finished an hour ago.

"Okaaaay...? But if this contains anything NSFW, I'm going to flip the table on you."

"I would've loved to see that, but unfortunately no, I managed to keep it PG-13. Go on, aren't you curious what's inside?" He tempted, eyes glinting in excitement, and you couldn't help your curiosity as the rounded object slid in. Your old computer whirred for a whole ten seconds, and you feared it would blew up, but the sound calmed down and you sighed in relief.

There was one video file, titled the same as the writings on the plastic storage, and you glanced one last time at your boyfriend before pressing play.

As soon as the video started, the title clicked in your mind. The street was oddly familiar, and when the quaint cafe's sign appeared on the screen, you immediately recognized the place. You frequented the small shop the first few months after dating Jungkook, to sit down and talk and relax as you got used to each other's presence as a couple.

You remembered how he asked you to pose for the camera. You remembered how you declined, as seen in the video, lips upturned and shaking your head no as your fingers fidgeted nervously on your lap. You remembered Jungkook pestering you for the reason of your rejection, and you avoiding his question. Then, the camera turned away.

The next shots was depicted in the same manner and pattern. A familiar location and a memorable place. You. Him. You and him. People.

But mostly you.

"Gukkie, look, it's the sea!"

"I see it."

"Stop taking pictures of the sea and join me!"

You remembered the cool waves hitting your calf, splashing against your knees. The sands burrowing onto the gaps of your toes and tickling the bas of your foot. The salty wind rushing past your ears and the sun shining down on your skin. The emerald expanse of water. Jungkook's bunny-like smile.

"Can't help it," The familiar boyish voice said closely behind the camera, but instead of the scenery, his lens focused on you.

The you in the video smiled at him and turned away to gaze onto the sea.


The video faded to black.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

You gulped, slightly embarrassed at the knowledge of how you had been filmed, over the course of nearly a year, by your boyfriend, "Yeah, it's lovely. You have talent for directing and taking films, Jungkook, I'm so proud of you!"

He blinked and pouted before answering without missing a beat,

"I was talking about you."

Ddaeng.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon