clumsy. (nj)

514 36 8

Pairing(s): Namjoon x You

Tags: Short drabble

Genre:  🌸 / Fluff

A/N: This legit happened to me and I'm still berating myself for being such a dumb klutz. Also, oh god this is so fluffy and sweet I can't even


It's not often Namjoon could find someone who was even clumsier than he was.

But you, the love of his life, always seems to exceed his expectations. In the best and worst way possible.

So when his phone vibrated in the middle of the day while he was staring blankly at the empty sheet of paper which was supposedly the lyrics of his new song, he welcomed the distraction, but also prayed to the deities that you were safe and sound.

Of course the deities didn't grant him a break.

From: Muse
Don't panic but

As soon as he read the first line of your message, he was dialing your number, heart pounding in his chest at the billions of scenarios popping inside his head. He would've laughed internally at the irony-- there he was, spending two hours trying to come out with a single lyric, and yet one unfinished sentence from you made his imaginations run so wild he could be an author.

An author for a book titled '500 dumb ways your significant other can get you into cardiac arrest' that is.

"Hey! How's work?" Your cheerful voice greeted him from the other line, and a smile tugged automatically on his lips. The sound of your voice always does that to him till this day.

But a hundred more horrific scenarios wormed themselves into his brain, and his smile dropped. When he spoke, his tone was full of worry and tinged with sadness, "Nevermind work. Baby, what happened?"

"It's nothing, Joonie, I'm just being my clumsy self as usual, you know how it is!"

Namjoon called your name softly, his tone switched into a scolding reminder, and he heard you sigh in defeat.

"Well, um, okay..... Don't freak out, but..."

"I'm actually freaking out already, but go on," you could hear shuffles and rustles on the other line, and you wondered if Namjoon was working outside. In actuality, he was putting on his jacket and gathering his belongings, because there was no way he could continue working today.

"I-it's funny, really! I needed to cut something which couldn't really be cut using scissors, sooo I grabbed a knife, you know, not the big one, the medium sized one we have at the-"

His heart skipped a beat when he heard you say 'knife', and he almost tripped onto his own ass, "Oh my god, where did you drop the knife?"

"Nooo, no, no! You see, I... grabbed the knife..... 's blade. Accidentally, of course."

"Holy fuck, babe!! Are you okay?!" Before you could answer and reassure your exceedingly panicked boyfriend, he barraged on, now already breaking into a jog outside the studio, "I'm coming over, just stay put!"

"Joonie, no! It's fine, really, I got it bandaged and it was just a small cut, nothing serious! I just messaged you to warn you so you wouldn't get a heart attack when you come back home!"

"I'm this close into getting a heart attack right now, and the only way to calm myself down is by seeing you, so shush."

"But work--"

"I am fulfilling my work as your boyfriend," Namjoon stopped at the crossing, frowning at the red light and tapping his fingers impatiently in his coat's pocket.

"Ughhh, you're such a sap...."

He chuckled, "And yet you still love me! ....... Right?"

You laughed, the sound music to his ears, "Yes, Joonie, I still do. Sappy quotes and clumsiness included."

It's not often Namjoon could find someone who's even clumsier than he was.

But he did, and you're the perfect fit to his missing puzzle piece. Especially with your clumsiness included.

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