f o u r t y o n e

10 3 3

she woke up to
the birdsong
and all the melodies outside
the quite storms who embraced
the nature

kissed it's soul
and hugged the memories inside of her and the past

the people we used to be,
lovable and delicate
hooked on a drug called love
fooled by all the promises


darkness that pierced trough my heart
blood that filled my lungs
took me downfall,
lost it all

in the end – all you managed to say, with the heavy tears in my eyes [was]

' lovers, all we were
all that we could be -
nothing more; nothing less

love isn't what kill us
it is the people we choose to feel it with;
the moments we share
the challenges we make and end
the journey about ourselves
and the nights we explore each other

this is the end of us;
the lovers that made the sparks of passion live trough us '

and when you walked away
to become one with the darkness
then you left me, alone in the centrum of the star's light

a n d

; you took my last breath with you

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