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"Come on, we are going to my place, I'm not leaving you alone after that."
Jungkook grabbed my hand and threw his arm around my shoulder holding me tight. I was shaking but trying to stop. My mind was racing replaying the incident that just happened over and over in my mind, I tried to stop but I couldn't. I looked down at my top and instantly attempted to cover my cleavage with my arms, this top was the damn reason I got in this mess. "Here" Jungkooks words snapped me out of my thoughts, he removed his jumper and gave to to me so I could cover myself "Thank you" I said softly, he shook his head.
I found myself outside his car, he opened the door and helped me inside as I was still wrapping my arms around my body.

We had been driving for about 15 minutes, it was hell, not only was I replaying today's events but I was getting flashbacks to.....yeah.
Jungkook must think I'm such a baby over reacting like this, get yourself together (y/n).

I heard a sniff coming from my right, this brought me back to reality, I glanced over and saw that jungkook was...crying? He was crying for me?

"Are you okay?" I asked worried,
The car suddenly came to a stop, we were outside his house.
" am I okay? Of course I'm not okay!? (Y/n) I told you I'd protect you but look. I let you down I'm such a retard I couldve been quicker I SHOULDVE BEEN QUICKER. I'
.so sorry (y/n). I understand if you're mad at me"
I was taken aback at this.
"Mad at you Jungkook you're crazy. What happened wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could do. You saved me jungkook. If you didn't answer your phone or come just when you did things could've gone a lot worse. I'm fine, I'm here, I'm okay, see?"
He wouldn't look at me, he just kept his head down letting tears flow down his soft cheeks.
"You're not fine. You spent this entire ride shaking and holding yourself, you were left in tears on the floor. You're. Not. Fine."
I sighed.
"No. I was shaking at something else, something this whole thing reminded me of"
He finally looked at me, I saw the pain in his puffy red eyes.
"Tell me (y/n), tell me what made you shake then."
"I- I.. I can't."
I stuttered
"Why no-"
I started shaking again, memories came flooding back and it took over my mind.

*flash back*

"Pl-please.. st..op"
My voice broke as I was still attempting to free my hand of the rope.
"Shh keep still petal. It'll all be over soon."
I felt a needle in my side, there's nothing I can do, I just let it happen.
"The photographer will be here soon darling. But in the mean time.."
That voice. His voice. It made me sick. Not as sick as the feeling of his hand going go my-

*End of flashback*

"(Y/n), (Y/N)!! I'm sorry I'm so sorry oh fuck (y/n) I'm such an idiot damnit (Y/N)"
I opened my eyes to see a worried jungkook with tears all over his face, Tae was there too, this isn't the car, I came back to reality and realised I was on the sofa in Jungkooks living room. "Oh thank God (y/n) are you okay?? I didn't mean to I'm sorry I was just upset and angry and I don't know what came over me" His voice was shakey, I felt so bad, this wasn't his fault. You should just tell him (y/n). Wait what? No I met this guy like 3 days ago. I can't tell him.

"No it's okay, it wasn't your fault don't worry, that just happens from time to time thank you for bringing me in"
I shot a reassuring smile at jungkook and received one back.

"Babeeee, where is my tank top? I swear I left it here" a voice came from Taes room, it was high-pitched and croaky, your typical thot.
"I didn't touch it you're probably not looking hard enough, sorry Jungkook I'll be back in a second"
I glanced down at the jumper I was wearing before swiftly looking at Jungkook. We both exchanged the same look and I sprinted into his room to take off the tank top.

I threw Jungkooks jumper back on and ran back to the living room.
"Uh Tae I think it's out here"
Jungkook stated while throwing it to the other side of the room.
Taewalked out and both me and jungkook pointed accompanied by a nervous laugh.

"Come on. No need to think about this, let's go play, I got the new game, overwatch, wanna take turns?"
My eyes litup hearing this
"I don't even need to answer"

Overwatch was such an amazing game, I could play forever, but I had to get home and ready for school tomorrow. "I think it's time I went home thanks for looking after m-" my words were cut off when I saw jungkook was fast asleep on the bed. " How long was I playing for? I'm such a bad guest." I quietly got my things and placed a blanket over jungkook before leaving the room.
Just as I was about to leave a voice called out "where's Jungkook?" It was Tae.
"Shhh he's fast asleep, I'm gonna just go on home" I whispered.
" you don't need to whisper, trust me, when this man sleeps, he sleeps. I thought jungkook said you hadn't got a car, how are you gonna get home?"
I hadn't really thought about this, I just assumed I'd walk home not thinking about distance. "I'll walk" I said without hesitation
"Are you mad?? Walk?? At this time of night? Don't be stupid. I'll drive you"
Tae got up from his seat and grabbed a jacket "No that's alright I'll be fine" "listen jungkook told me what happened today and I'm not gonna be responsible for anything else happening to you, I don't mind driving honestly" I smiled and gave in, he really isn't as bad as jungkook made him out. "Thank you"

The drive home was fun, me and Tae talked a lot about Each other and I learnt that he wasn't as much of a fuckboi that he seemed to be, usually when girls would come around he would get with them but after he would play games and talk before letting them sleep on his bed, Jungkook apparently never asks and just assumes. I don't blame him.

"Jungkook us great, I do worry about him a lot, especially when he goes out on his own."
This confused me
"Worry? Why?"
"Well, I worry he will bump into, you know and who knows what'll happen"
My confusion only grew, now I was starting to worry myself
"Bump into..?"
"Forget I said anything"
Oh yeah right like I could do that
"Tae? What are you talking about?? Taehyung. Explain"
We made it to my house.
"We're here. I'll see you later."
"I'm not leaving till you explain"
I heard a loud sigh before tae spoke
"I said too much without realising, jungkook will tell you himself. Just don't mention it to him, and whatever you do, don't mention my name."
I respected the fact he didn't tell me, whatever this is it's serious and I'm just not that close to jungkook. I nodded and got out of the car.
"Thank you for the lift, I honestly appreciate it"
"Nah don't I needed to get out, sleep well, oh and (y/n) be careful. For jungkooks sake."
I nodded and waved as he drove off before bringing myself inside and flopping on my bed. So many questions were flowing through my head but I decided to just forget it for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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