2. Composure

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The sun begins to fall, shielded by the slender, dark shadows of the pine trees. The sky a color palette of burnt orange and a dark blue-purple gradient; it was beautiful. It had been about an hour since I arrived in Boston, my father was driving us deep into the woods. Far off in the distance I spotted a house. Scratch that, a humongous mansion.

Even in the distance I could tell that people were lining up across the front door, everyone sure seemed to love the sun, they were pretty tan. My attention peaked, "Who are they?"

"They're just the pack, you son, are a werewolf and your first shift is when you turn seventeen." I chuckled, turning into a chortle, which eventually pivoted into full-blown laughter. My father turned to me, his face overlaid by a mask of seriousness,"Son I'm not joking."

The white vehicle is parked in front of the people, all of them visibly nervous. Taking in a deep breathe, I open the door, one leg out and widened eyes are now visible in the people's faces. Getting out of the car, I feel cornered, but immediately stand tall next to my father. Everyone kept their eyes down in what seemed submission to both my father and I.

I mean, am I really a werewolf? "This is my son Ace Cohen, the future Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, he is here to stay. First and foremost, he must learn of our culture and rules of the pack, which is why I depend on all of you to help him learn about it." Like am I going to have a six pack? Maybe I'll look even more like Jacob, from Twilight, and Brooke will want to be with me again. "Thank you all for the attention now return to your posts and responsibilities. Son?" He nudges me after a minute, waiting for me to say my part.

"Um, thanks?" Still drowning in my thoughts.

Putting a hefty arm on my shoulders, steering me towards the entrance of the grand house. The walls made of glass, framed to fit the wood-like pillars holding it all together. A two story mansion, just for my father? No, I see a lot of people running all around, setting preparations on a dinner table for at least thirty people. Am I really what my father suggests I am? Is he just playing around with me?

"Your birthday is in a few hours kiddo, do you know what you are wishing for once you blow out the candles?" He quietly attempts to start conversation.

I immediately blurt out something that I would surely soon regret,"I want to go home to fix the relationship with my girlfriend, I really believe she is it for me." An impulsive HA, comes out from this man I barely know.

"She can't be the one for you, you're sixteen! You will know who you love when you are eighteen." His eyebrows expressing confusion infused with anger.

"What do you mean? I may be sixteen, but I love her, I'm incapable of loving anyone else." It was like something in him snapped, his glistening clear blue eyes transitioning into a violent violet shade.

"You will find your mate or your soulmate, whatever you call it, when you turn eighteen!" He growled. As if it was instinct I slowly backed away, like a dog backing away from an unknown item. His breathing became even, eyes clearing from the purple menace. "I'm sorry about that, just go inside."

Not wanting to bring back his alter ego. Gesturing me to follow him, he leads me to the second floor. Giving me a quick tour on our way up, we stop at a door. He opens it to reveal, a bedroom equipped with a king-sized bed, a giant closet filled with tons of clothes. A giant flatscreen television hanging at the foot of the bed. There was also an amazing bathroom, I was left speechless back home with my mom it was just one bathroom for the both of us.

"This is your room. Go to sleep because we have an early day tomorrow." He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes tightly, finally he patted my back and made his way to what I assume is his room.

I walked into the bathroom, MY bathroom, and took a nice long calming hot shower. Wrapping a towel around my waist I slowly made my way into the closet, admiring the room. Putting on some boxers, a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt I finally got into the bed. Oh my lord! It was amazing! Getting out my phone I turned it on and there she was, my lock screen of Brooke. I softly grinned at myself, she was probably on her way to med school.

Dialing my mother, she picked up a hint of worry, "Ace you okay?"

"I'm alright mom."

"Okay baby, I love you."

"Love you too mom."

The number pad, appeared after we hung up,  should I call her? I really shouldn't. Drowned in my thoughts, I faded into a deep sleep.


With that this chapter ends and a new one begins. Up top is a picture of Ace, what I imagined he would look like. Like always, leave comments because I like reading them :)

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