3. Bargain

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"Hey babe," that sweet voice that I recognize, I slowly open my eyes to be greeted by the one that melts my heart, my only one. I instantly hold her in my arms, knowing that this is real. Melting our lips together, so many sparks, so many memories, so much love for my girl.

"Oh, Brookie I thought I lost you forever baby. I love you so much, and what happened with Sloane. I never wanted to kiss her! I don't love her! I love you," BANG. Her soft hands caress my cheek, I've never felt more alive.

BANG. "I love you too." BANG! We begin to kiss-- the loud banging continues, when I realized this noise wasn't a part of my dream, my eyes drowsily opened. I want to cry, I want that to be real. Getting out of my bed, opening the door I hardcore stare down the blonde grey eyed twerp that dared wake me up. 

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" What can I say nobody should wake me up, especially when I'm dreaming about Brooke.

"Um, sir, um you need to um get ready for um breakfast." His hands fidgeting, clearly he was uncomfortable.

"Okay, thanks?" I shut my door in his face, I am in such a bad mood.

I slam the door, running and jumping face-down on my bed. Face on my pillow, I scream in frustration, I don't want to be here! When I take out all my anger on the poor pillow I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and put on a white button up tucked into my chestnut colored slacks. A brown belt, navy blue blazer and some brown with blue shoes. I'm snazzy.

Going down the stairs, taking a lot of wrong turns, finally making my way to the dining table. My father is talking to some people who are seated there as well, I am kind of uncomfortable living with so many other people. I see the blonde guy I yelled at this morning.

"Good morning, happy birthday." Well, that's the first I've ever heard him say that. Holy mother of fudge, I'm seventeen isn't that when I turn or whatever?

"Hey, dad. So when is the turn thingy going to happen?" I add a few fake chuckles here and there to make it seem like I'm not nervous at all. 

"At the moon's highest apex. It isn't called the 'turn thingy,' it's called a shift." Oh geez.

I sat down in the only other available seat which was next to my father. He said I couldn't sit on his right because that is where my mother is supposed to go. After all this time I never asked my mother why she left.

"Ace this is the beta of the pack, Amell." Before I have an opportunity to ask my father what a beta he gets to it first. "A beta is like second in command. He takes care of the pack when I'm gone and other stuff like that."

I quickly stand up from my seat and bend over the table to shake Amell's hand. He eyes my hand warily as if taken by surprise. It soon turns into a grin and man he has a tight grip. 

"This is my son, Ethan, hopefully your beta." He gestures to the twerp, who sheepishly eyes me.

"Nice to meet you, Ethan." Trying so hard not to spit those words with such venom. To my surprise, he bows his head. 

Breakfast is over as soon as my father gets out of his seat, he said he had other things to attend to and will be back in time for my shift. Amell accompanied my father, but his idiotic son Ethan stayed behind with me. Apparently, my father, his alpha commanded him to teach me more about werewolves.

"Ace, about earlier I was just obeying orders." A twinge of regret came over me, a speck. 

"It's alright just tell me what I need to know."

"Okay, well us males shift when we turn seventeen, but she-wolves turn once they turn eighteen. Alphas are stronger than regular wolves, same goes for betas but they still aren't as strong as an alpha." I am clearly the opposite of an alpha, I'm not strong and I don't want anything to do with this pack.

"Tell me about mates." I was curious to know more about what my father got so worked up about when it came to talking about Brooke.

"Mates are the other half of your soul. That means that you cannot possibly love anyone else. It is impossible. There is a mating ritual for alphas, where you need to present your mate to the whole pack since she is the new luna. Whenever it seems fit you will mark each other, this will magnify your feeling a hundred times over, you will be able to feel what your mate feels, have a special bond overall." This sounds amazing, something that I've always wanted, but my mind can't help but wonder to Brooke.

"Ethan, you're my beta right? That means your basically my confidant?"


"Congratulations, you've become my best friend." I expect to see the same awkward guy that I had seen this morning, but I saw someone that was worthy of my friendship and respect.


"I've already loved someone Ethan, coming here I lost her. I don't care about this mate that I could have I want Brooke. The one I truly love above all else." I can't believe I just said that I sound like a total girl.

"Well if she's a werewolf that means she could be your mate." My hope was crushed.

"No she's human."

"Don't worry Ace you'll find your mate and forget about this Brooke that broke your heart." I hoped his words were to become true...


So, I know it has been a long time since I've updated, but my schedule has been hectic this is one of my short chapters, will try to make longer ones. Like always leave comments because I love reading them and share this story with friends :)

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